TL News(9)

  • Learn about America's Digital Schools
    The new America's Digital Schools (ADS) survey indicates that American schools are rapidly moving toward a technology environment marked by mobility and wireless connectivity.
  • E-Rate Update
    Though Funding Year 2006 is proceeding smoothly, the future of the E-Rate program is not totally assured, as Congress rewrites the nation's telecommunications laws.
  • AZ School Systems Ramp up Technology
    Districts around Arizona's East Valley are expanding their use of technology to support instruction, with several launching pilots of high-tech classrooms.
  • It's Not Just American Kids!
    According to a new study, students in the UK complain that their school use of the Internet is too tightly controlled by teachers who emphasize things not to do.
  • Historical Sites Reach Out via Podcasts
    A number of the nation's historical sites are using podcasts to reach out to potential visitors.