The Tech&Learning 100@30

As part of our 30th anniversary celebration, Tech&Learning has compiled the first two of three lists of the 100 most important people: those leaders from the PAST who have shaped today's edtech environment, and those leaders from the PRESENT who have been instrumental in the creation and advancement of the use of technology in education. These first 60 honorees appear below, and we've enjoyed the online debates over the choices for this list.
We are now looking for nominees for our last and possibly most challenging list, the FUTURE. These will include
students doing ground-breaking work in edtech, young entrepreneurs shaping the future of edtech, and those teachers changing classrooms around the nation.
To nominate your candidate, take our Reader Poll, or email to make your case. Those selected will appear in our September back-to-school issue!
Evan Allred
Jay Bachhuber
Albert Bandura
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Craig R. Barrett
Mark Bauerlein
Gina Bianchini
Benjamin S. Bloom
Amy Bruckman
Keith R Bujak
Richard Byrne
Jaime Carbonell
Karen Cator
G. Wayne Clough
Clayton M. Christensen
Jennifer Corriero and Michael Furdyk
Andy Crozier
Linda Darling-Hammond
Chris Dede
Andrea diSessa
Arne Duncan
Elsa Eiriksdottir
Ntiedo “Nt” Etuk
Matt Federoff
LeRoy Finkel
James D. Finn
Karl Fisch
Robert Mills Gagné
Howard Gardner
Bill Gates
James Paul Gee
Al Gore
Dennis Harper
Mary Beth Hertz
Troy Hicks
Jill Hobson
Michael Horn
Ryan Imbriale
Henry Jenkins
Lisa Johnson
Steve Jobs
Dean Kamen
Ted Kennedy and George W. Bush
Neeru Khosla
Angus S. King Jr.
Nancy Knowlton
Robert Kozma
Julie LaChance
Eric Langhorst
Chris Lehmann
Tony Mangiacapre
Marshall McLuhan
Scott McNealy
M. David Merrill
Michael Milken
Sugata Mitra
Jomo W. Mutegi
Nicholas Negroponte
Brian Nichols
Thuan Nguyen
Marleigh Norton
Alan November
Seymour Papert
Bob Pearlman
Matthew Peterson
Mathew A. Powers
Erin E. Reilly
Mitchel Resnick
Linda G. Roberts
Sir Ken Robinson
Roberto J. Rodríguez
Albert Shanker
Stephen Shapiro
Eric Sheninger
Burrhus Frederic “B.F.” Skinner
Gary Stager
Lajeane G. Thomas
David Thornburg
Joyce Valenza
Douglas E. Van Houweling
David Warlick
Jeannette M. Wing