Technology Resistant Staff?

The teaching staff continues to be extremely reluctant technology users. We did not make our AYP target and now they cite this as a reason for not having time to use technology in their teaching. Is there any information I can use to help them reconsider their stance?

You might want to share with your staff some recent findings from an annual survey conducted by Market Data Retrieval (MDR). A new focus area was added to the latest survey that compares access and use of technology to student achievement. Schools that failed to meet their Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) target were also consistently ranked 'slightly below average' when it came to providing students access to various technologies. One very important factor was teacher skill is using technology as an instructional tool. Specific data highlights about teacher technology use can be accessed at

Use the statistics highlighted in the URL above as a springboard for research and discussion about technology use at your site.

Submitted by: Susan Brooks-Young

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