Taking Action


When you are doing a presentation, you can keep a list of ideas and suggestions from the audience or action items that will need further attention. In the PowerPoint slide show this becomes something on which to focus or a call to action.

  1. Go to the Slide Show view
  2. Right-click on one of the slides
  3. On the shortcut menu, click Meeting Minder.
  4. Click on the Action Items tab.
  5. Type comments or action items into the Description, Assigned To, and Due Date boxes.
  6. Then click Add and OK.
  7. Repeat step 3 if you want to add more action items, and then click OK.

Your items appear on a new slide at the end of your slide show. You can use this slide as a way to review the ideas or suggestions that came up during the slide show and can also be used as a reminder of the action items that need to be addressed.

Submitted by:Barbara Bray

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