Survey: Half of K-12 Teachers Report Inadequate Support When Using Technology

In a new nationwide survey of more than 600 K-12 teachers, 50 percent reported inadequate assistance when using technology in the classroom. Educators cited a lack of support in facing technical issues and questions pertaining to instructional models when implementing new hardware or software. The survey was conducted by digedu™, a digital education company focused on transitioning schools from textbooks to technology.

Other findings include:

  • 93% report that technology has a positive effect on student engagement
  • 46% report that they lack the training needed to use technology effectively with students
  • 33% report a lack of visibility into whether their students are on task when using technology

The survey was conducted to assess various aspects of teachers’ use of technology in the classroom. The questions focused on three areas: 1) How teachers use technology and if they feel the current usage is effective and meaningful for students; 2) barriers that exist to making technology effective; and 3) how much time they spend using technology in the classroom, and if they desire to use it more often.

A full report will be released later in March. Notable findings from the survey can be found at