Spanish language reading assessment for K-3

Brookes Publishing Co. has published the 2010 Tejas LEE, a reading assessment for K-3 students. Designed to address the skills and development of Spanish literacy, Tejas LEE helps teachers diagnose students’ strengths and problem areas, intervene with targeted, data-informed instruction, and monitor student progress over time. It provides teachers with information to identify which students are progressing as expected, and which students are struggling and require more targeted instruction.

The 2010 version of Tejas LEE includes new features that help educators teach and gather accurate data:

  • New tasks such as rhyming, final sound identification and word decoding tasks
  • A new reading comprehension section in kindergarten, as well as new stories and questions for all grades

An updated Guía de actividades de intervención (Intervention Activities Guide) created by the authors of the assessment is sold as an accompaniment to Tejas Lee. These written activities target students’ individual needs and make it easy for educators to make a transition from gathering assessment data to planning small-group instruction. In addition, each activity now includes objectives and material lists for educators to implement activities quickly. Blackline Masters for many activities requiring materials are available at