Server content filters for email
Question: What server content filters for Email would you recommend for my school?
The IT Guy says: has some helpful articles and resource sites at Content Filtering.
The answer to this question depends on several things, including the size of your campus and district and the Email system you are using. The best situation is to use several different server-based virus scanners for Email, since the commercial companies providing these products and services do not tend to share information well, and different products may have varying levels of success staying up to date and being capable of filtering new virus threats. Using two or three products can increase your chances for catching more viruses at the server level, but can also slow down your server’s performance with the requisite scans.
Sybari offers a variety of excellent tools for server-based Email content filtering for MS Exchange server, as well as for SMTP gateways. Their Antigen is one product you may want to consider.
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