Self-Publish Your Book or CD

Are you an aspiring writer? artist? musician? Have you wanted to self-publish but were not sure how? Then check out You figure out what you want to charge and keep 80%.

There is so much you can publish on your own:

Paperback and hardcover books, comic books, dissertations, cookbooks, product manual, sales proposals, travel guides, presentations, yearbooks, brochures, and even textbooks.

I know some people want to create calendars with their own photos. You can create posters, photo books, and even digital media- all in

  • Upload your files—you can start as a private project
  • Choose the format and size
  • Choose the type of binding

When you're ready to sell your product:

  • Set your own price
  • Get your own ISBN
  • Builder your own online storefront in
  • Don't worry about inventory—only publish books ordered
  • Use the free marketing tools like widgets, banners, and Google Book Search

After you create your book or cd, you can set up your store. I know some teachers that have created memory books for each of their students—some have even set up the store so parents could purchase them.

Next Tip:
My Hero

Barbara Bray, Educational Consultant,; President, My eCoach