Seeking Permission to Copyrighted Materials

As a professional developer, you may want to use copyrighted materials in your presentations or workshops.

  • Ask permission in writing so you have a hard copy for your records.
  • Make sure you give yourself at least two weeks so you receive permission in time.
  • Give your name, title, and organization.
  • Write the title and author of the article along with the publication, date, volume, and issue number, and pages you wish to duplicate.
  • Explain how you plan to use the article.
  • Number of copies you plan to make.
  • The date you will need the copies.

In some cases, you will be asked to pay a fee for the copies. For complete information on fair use, copyright, and intellectual property, go to

Or go to 10 Myths about Copyright Explained at:

Submitted by:Barbara Bray

Next Tip: Brainstorming and Sharing Ideas