New software: Dreambox, STI, My WebLocker and more
Price: $12.95 per month, per child; 6-12-month subscriptions priced at $49.95 and $99.95, respectively
DreamBox Learning K-2 Math is fundamentally different than any other kids’ math learning product on the market. Its underlying curriculum is based on standards set by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and presents in-depth math lessons that develop computational fluency, conceptual understanding, and problem-solving ability. As the child embarks on his/her online math adventure, DreamBox Learning’s patented GuideRight™ technology analyzes a student's individual responses and dynamically customizes the content and sequence for each child — just as a great teacher would adapt a lesson to adjust to students who learn in different ways. Kids are able to explore well over a million individual learning paths throughout their math adventures.
“My Portfolio” and netTrekker d.i.
Price: $395 minimum; $0.99 per student
Powered by “My Portfolio, the leading K-12 safe search tool netTrekker d.i. now allows educators to create, organize, and share content for standards-based instruction with fellow teachers within their school or district.“My Portfolio” is perfect for both individual teachers and district curriculum staff because of the ability to create project-based learning activities and units for standards-based instruction. Educators are using its many customized features to scaffold, save, and share digital content, including resources found in netTrekker d.i. and from third parties. They can add content to their portfolios— templates, timeline and famous person search results, and images—and then, like a digital file cabinet, create folders for organization.
Everyday Technology Toolkit
Price: Free
The Everyday Technology Toolkit delivers a hands-on approach to learning, appealing to teachers seeking to educate their students in new ways, while also creating resources for adults and other non-millennial audiences. The toolkit provides students with the resources needed to create a short, informative video about an everyday piece of technology, how to use it and demonstrating various applications in the use of the specific technology. Students will research, write, communicate and produce a finished video known as a Tech 'Splained segment that can then be shared with others.
My Web Lockers
Price: $5 per user per year
My Web Lockers meets the needs of K-12 students and teachers who struggle on a daily basis with the basic ability to store, access and share files. Offering easy 24/7 access to student and teacher data from any Internet location, My Web Lockers provides each user with a secure, password-protected Web locker, or digital drop box. Students and teachers can start their work on one computer at school, and then stash it in their Web locker to finish at home.
STI Achievement Services
Price: $199 per log-in course
STI is offering Extreme Intervention through STI Achievement Services. Extreme Intervention is a customized professional coaching service that helps schools develop and implement response-to-intervention programs successfully. Response to intervention is a systemic reform process that takes a multi-tiered approach to provide more effective instruction to students with or at risk for learning disabilities. The process involves early identification of learning needs, addressing those needs through specific interventions and instructional modifications, and monitoring student progress closely to determine the need for further research-based instruction in general education, in special education, or both.
Sketchpad LessonLink
Price: One-Year School Site Subscriptions to the School Library are $119 per teacher (more information on discounts available on website)
The online, searchable library helps teachers integrate The Geometer's Sketchpad® into their math curriculum with more than 500 Sketchpad™ activities designed for students in grades 3-12. Key Curriculum Press, innovators in mathematics and science education, announces the classroom availability of Sketchpad LessonLink.Sketchpad LessonLink is aligned to leading math textbooks and state standards. Powerful search options make it easy for teachers to find the perfect demonstration or student activity to reinforce a specific math concept. In addition to activities, Sketchpad LessonLink offers pre-built sketches, teaching notes, student worksheets, and tips to provide teachers with all the resources they need in one place.
The Learning Recovery Center “One Student, One Classroom”
Built using the latest research on student engagement, the instructional practices FLVS teachers will use in the Learning Recovery Center are built upon a “One Student, One Classroom” methodology. This innovative instructional approach will allow teachers to tailor course content and activities to meet the specific needs of students. Teachers will also create authentic assignments, alternative assessments, and prescriptive instructional practices based on the learning patterns or styles of a student.
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