Meet the 2022-23 Winners of Tech & Learning's Innovative Leader Awards
Tech & Learning's Innovative Leader Awards celebrate outstanding school district leaders who are reshaping and reimagining the future of education.

As part of our Regional Live Summits, Tech & Learning recognizes exceptional district administrators in select regions around the country through our Innovative Leaders Awards. We’re seeking district leaders who are reimagining and reinventing education by developing and launching unique and forward-thinking programs, policies, and best practices that have shown to have a positive impact and are also replicable at other districts.
Please join us in celebrating the winners - and learn how you can nominate yourself or a colleague for the 2023-24 Innovative Leader Awards here.
Best Implementation of Data Privacy & Cybersecurity
Mike currently serves as the Coordinator of Technology services for Northwest GA Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA), where he supports 17 school systems in areas of technology, data analysis, instructional & operational planning, and teaches the Computer Science Endorsement. A former math teacher, instructional technology coordinator, and technology director, his passions include being a dad, connecting technology to learning outcomes, data & cyber security, and educational access for all. Read more here
Best Implementation of Data Privacy & Security
Emmanuel Ajanma is an accomplished Director of Technology at at Barre Unified Union School District in Vermont who possesses a profound level of expertise and dedication in fostering and managing technology initiatives within K-12 educational environments. His unwavering commitment to enhance the learning experience for students and educators, by designing and executing forward-thinking technology strategies that align with district objectives, sets him apart in the field. Read more here
Best Example of Professional Development
Mike is Director Of Technology at Yarmouth School Department and has worked in K-12 education since 1990 as a Math Teacher, Technology Director and Integrator. He is a Google Certified Innovator (#gtachi). Mike has also taught courses for the University of Southern Maine and Saint Joseph's College of Maine in technology in education. Read more here.
Innovative Technology Director Award
After 20+ years supporting technology for several multi-national businesses, Dr. Batson changed his career focus to technology leadership for educational institutions. Jim is now in his 7th year as the Director of Technology, Fenton Community High School District 100 in Bensenville, IL. He has also held adjunct faculty positions at several northern Illinois community colleges and serves on the District 128 Board of Education in Vernon Hills, IL. Read more here.
Best Overall Implementation of Technology
A career school CTO for public education in Texas, Kyle Berger has more than 21 years in K-12 technology leadership and has earned awards including Technology Director of the year for Texas, 2020 National Edtech Leadership winner, and Institutional Leadership award for interoperability. Currently, he serves as the Chief Technology Officer for Grapevine-Colleyville ISD in Texas.
Best Advocate for Computer Science
Jamal Boyce is Chief Technology Officer for the Colton Joint USD in California. His 18 years of experience in the realm of technology has covered a broad range from help desk, network administration, project management to department management.
Innovative Technology Director
Suzan Brandt is Mountain Brook Schools Director of Technology. Before that, she spent 10 years as a local school technology coordinator at Mountain Brook Junior High. Before that, she spent nine years as an instructional technology specialist in Hoover City Schools.
Innovative Superintendent Award
Tom Burton, Superintendent of Princeton City Schools (now retired), is a proven and dynamic school educator, well known and praised for his leadership. He believes that creating a collaborative environment with all stakeholders will help ensure that each child's needs are met. By being flexible, collaborative, and open to new learning, Burton feels we can truly inspire our students to be prepared for the real world and ensure that they make the world better than it is now. Read more here.
Best Overall Implementation of Technology
Heidi Carr is an instructional facilitator with the Clark County School District. She has taught 2nd – 5th grade and is a digital engineer, and a facilitator for She is currently the president of CUE-Nevada, and the founder of PLAYDATE Vegas and of EduNV on Voxer. Read more here.
Best Overall Implementation of Technology
Crespo has facilitated technology initiatives in his district, including a state-of-the-art media center and television broadcasting studio, as well incorporating virtual reality into the district's curriculum. Most recently, he is the process of implementing specialized ear buds that translate languages, a technology currently being used by a family who just arrived from Ukraine.
Innovative Tech Director
Daugherty created a CETL study group to manage the tricky challenge of measuring technology’s impact on achievement in a small urban district known for excellence. The result had a direct impact on supporting student achievement. Read more here.
Innovative Superintendent Award
Dawson has more than 24 years as a teacher and administrator committed to fighting for equitable access, excellence and opportunities through quality education for all children, with expertise in education reform, development of alternative education pathways and career pathways, K-12-higher education and workforce alignment, blended and virtual learning and data-driven teaching and learning.
Innovative Technology Director Award
DeLapo earned the 2021 Honored Educator of the Year for Common Sense Media as well as a CUE Gold Disk in 2016, for work done to promote educational technology in public and private educational environments. She currently serves as the Vice President and Treasurer for Computer Using Educators (CUE) Board of Directors, is a mentor for the Certified Chief Technology Officer Mentor Program, and a graduate from their 2021 cohort (Cohort 15). Read more here.
Best Overall Implementation of Technology
Dodson is in his fourth decade as an employee of Hoover City Schools, beginning as a science teacher at W.A. Berry High School. He co-founded the International Baccalaureate Program at Hoover HS, and served as assistant principal at Hoover HS and Spain Park HS. At the district level, he served as director of secondary curriculum and assistant superintendent. Recently, he led the planning and building of the district’s newest school, the Riverchase Career Connection Center.
Innovative Superintendent Award
Todd Dugan is the superintendent of Bunker Hill CUSD #8 located in Bunker Hill, Illinois. A rural, distant district in downstate Illinois, Bunker Hill is in the midst of a digital conversion to 1:1 device environment. A 2022 IASBO Lighthouse Award Winner and the 2018 Illinois State University EAF Superintendent of the Year, Todd has presented and published numerous times on education and disrupting inequity, digital and otherwise. Read more here.
Best Example of Teacher and Student Wellbeing Programs
Dr. Michael Gaskell is Principal at Central Elementary School in East Brunswick, NJ, has been published in more than four dozen articles, and is author of three books: Radical Principals, Leading Schools Through Trauma (September, 2021) and Microstrategy Magic (October, 2020). Mike presents at national conferences, including ISTE (June 2023) The Learning and the Brain (November, 2021), and FETC (January 2023, and 2022); and works to find refreshing solutions to the persistent problems educators and families face. Read more here.
Best Overall Implementation of Technology
Harris Gibbs participates in the Verizon Innovative Learning Program that features versatility to offer in-person learning and virtual learning schools; digital inclusion; tech-infused curriculum; various learning and organizational (online) platforms; and blended learning using technology.
Best Example of Professional Development
Goodman is a Senior Instructional Technology Coordinator with the Arlington Public School district in Northern Virginia. He served at Kenmore Middle School for 25 years, where he developed the instructional technology program, including equipment, training materials, professional development, and providing support to staff and students. His school had the pleasure of hosting President Barack Obama, who said, “Mr. Goodman is doing a great job with supporting technology for the students and staff at Kenmore.”
Best Implementation of Digital Curriculum
Kate Grunow has been in education for over a decade as a K-12 digital media specialist and English teacher. She currently serves 130,000 students and over 10,000 teachers in metro Detroit. She is one of the co-creators of the 21 Things 4 project and a presenter at local, state, and national conferences on topics such as blended learning, free technology tools, learning management platforms, and digital learning.
Best Overall Implementation of Technology
Guyon is the Coordinator for Model Schools at WSWHE BOCES in Saratoga Springs, New York, a trainer with NYSCATE, an adjunct professor for SUNY Plattsburgh and an author. Laurie was named CoSN’s NextGen: Emerging EdTech Leaders in 2020 and earned the Spotlight Award at BOCES. Laurie is a mentor for the DigCit Institute Global Impactor Program. She is certified by ISTE and Google and serves as an education ambassador for Common Sense, Buncee, Seesaw, Nearpod, Flipgrid, and other technology platforms. Read more here.
Best Implementation of Digital Curriculum
Herrera has more than 15 years of experience working in education, including serving as administrator of Professional Learning & Student Support for KCSOS. She earned degrees at San Diego State University, Point Loma Nazarene University and the University of LaVerne. Among her professional affiliations is serving as facilitator and coach for the California Coalition Dedicated to Dual Enrollment (CCEMC). Read more here.
Best Implementation of Data Privacy
Phil Hintz is the Director of Student Information Services for Barrington School District 220 in Illinois. His honors include ISTE’s Outstanding Leader Award and the National School Boards Association’s “20 to Watch” in Edtech. Recently, Phil was the 2019 Withrow CTO of the Year for Consortium of School Networking (CoSN). Read more here.
Best Overall Implementation of Technology
Melissa Jacobs is the Director of Library Services for the NYC Department of Education/New York City School Library System. Melissa started her career as an elementary school librarian, then served 14 years as the Coordinator for Library Services. Melissa has been named a 2022 EdWeek Leader to Learn From, Library Journal Mover and Shaker, and has contributed to School Library Journal, Knowledge Quest, Teacher Librarian, and School Library Connection. Read more here.
Best Example of Professional Development
Steven Jones is an Instructional Technology Coordinator, Adobe Creative Educator Leader, and AI advocate. He currently leverages his background as an Apple Learning Coach and experience as an ISTE AI Explorations Coach to help support teachers. He has taught a variety of classes over the years, incorporating technologies such as 3D printing, designing for accessibility, and artificial intelligence. He is a former ISTE STEM Co-Chair and has led teachers and students across the globe as a Goals Project Facilitator.
Innovative Superintendent Award
As a forward-thinking leader and listener, the 2021 American Leadership Forum Fellow XLI, 2022-23 President SCC Superintendents Association, and 2022-23 President Milpitas Rotary, Jordan is currently collaborating on a visionary MUSD Innovation Campus Project forged by a Milpitas Alliance for Future Ready Learners business-schools capital campaign partnership. Jordan and her team have launched a MUSD Middle College High School program, a World Languages Academy, and partnerships with SJECCD on a SJCC Extension in Milpitas as well as with the City of Milpitas and EVCC to provide learners with personalized learning and career paths.
Best Example of Developing Professional Learning Communities
Dr. Matthew X. Joseph is currently a district leader in MA. He is also the CEO of X-Factor EDU consulting and publishing. Experiences such as Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Director of Digital Learning and Innovation, elementary school principal, classroom teacher, and district professional development specialist have provided him with incredible insights on how to best support teaching and learning and led to nationally published articles and opportunities to speak at multiple state and national events. Read more here.
Best Example of Professional Development
A support specialist for the Putnam County School System in Cookeville, Tennessee, Lance Key helps teachers incorporate technology into their classroom and has conducted more than 400 edtech PD trainings across the country. He has also worked with ViewSonic to develop and provide training on the proper use of panels in classrooms. Read more here.
Innovative CTO Award
Klein currently serves on a number of committees and panels, and has been recognized as a NetworkWorld All Star and a National School Boards Association "20 to watch" educator. He is also founder of the Ubermix project and is chairman of the Consortium of School Networking (CoSN) K-12 Open Technologies Initiative. Read more here.
Best Example of Equity & Access
Before he became an assistant superintendent for the School District of Philadelphia, Lajara was a principal in the Cheltenham School District, at Kensington High, and at John B. Stetson Charter School.
Best Overall Implementation of Technology
Lang is the chief innovation program officer ed.Xtraordinary, a program powered by Teach for America that aims to accelerate the pace of innovation among Las Vegas educators. His career began in Mississippi and after a stint as an English Instructor in Taiwan, he has been teaching in Las Vegas. In his career, he has been honored as an Apple Distinguished Educator, PBS Digital Innovator, Teach Plus Policy Fellow and Nevada Succeeds InspirED Global Fellow. Read more here.
Innovative Chief Technology Officer Award
Burt Lo has been a middle school teacher, district instructional technology director, and a county office professional development coordinator. Currently, he is the Director of Digital Curriculum & Instructional Technology for the Stanislaus County Office of Education. His primary duties involve implementing Chromebooks and Google Apps for Education for the Educational Options Division.
Innovative Technology Director Award
Currently the Director of Technology for the Bayonne Public School System, Karee has served as an educational technology teacher, technology coach, and assistant technology director. She aims to empower all staff to utilize technology as a transformational tool in their work, teaching, and learning. Read more here.
Best Overall Implementation of Technology
McKinney is the CCPS STEM Lead of Innovations & Special Projects, working to ensure students' future success in the field of STEM by inspiring and exposing all. Read more here.
Innovative Chief Technology Officer Award
Michael was instrumental in the successful opening of New Trier during hybrid learning. He managed the first Illinois high school COVID19 saliva screen program, implemented a QR-code-based health screening and entry system for staff and students, and installed nearly 200 classroom audio systems so teachers and students could communicate with remote learners. He currently leads a 1:1 iPad program evaluation as well as a comprehensive network security upgrade of switching, wireless, and firewall technologies. Read more here.
Best Overall Implementation of Technology
Sophia Mendoza has more than 20 years of experience as an education leader in L.A. Unified, where she spearheaded the implementation of computer science education and digital citizenship programs across 1,300 schools. Among her many honors, Mendoza was named one of the Most Influential People in EdTech by Tech & Learning in 2018. Most recently, she was elected to the Board of Directors for the International Society for Technology in Education.
Innovative Technology Director
As the Director of Education Technology, Mishne works with students, teachers and administrators as they learn to integrate technology into their learning and lives. She also is an Adjunct Professor at California State University, Fullerton, teaching in the Masters of Education Technology program. Read more here.
Best Example of Professional Development
In addition to being Chief Technology Officer for Laguna Beach USD, Morrison was named 2023 Technology Administrator of the Year by the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) Region 17, covering all Orange County school districts. Read more here.
Innovative Thought Leader Award
Lisa Nielsen has worked as a public-school educator and administrator since 1997. She is a prolific writer best known for her award-winning blog, The Innovative Educator and is the author of several books, with her writing being featured in media outlets such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Tech & Learning. Read more here.
Innovative Thought Leader Award
Ogando began her more than 13-year career in the New York City Public Schools as an elementary school special educator. As the Deputy Technology Director at the Manhattan Division of Instructional & Information Technology, she has been training teachers, in the DOE and around the country, in accessibility, Google tools for education, and digital literacy and citizenship. Read more here.
Best Example of Providing Equity & Access
Owens, who has been the Chief Technology Officer for the San Mateo County Office of Education since 2004, is the first female and still the only African-American to lead the technology division of a county office of education in California. Prior to starting at the SMCOE, she served as the Director of Technology for two school districts in the East Bay Area. She is also a Certified Chief Technology Officer. Read more here.
Best Implementation of Digital Curriculum
Jennifer Parker, Ed.D. is an instructional technology/school data consultant for Macomb Intermediate School District and adjunct faculty for Central Michigan University’s Master of Arts in Learning, Design, & Technology. She is an ISTE Certified Educator and ISTE’s 2018 Digital Leader of the Year. Her consultant work includes ISTE Certification, ISTE Library Standards, and authoring ISTE-U courses. Parker was previously recognized by Tech & Learning Magazine as one of the top Ed Tech leaders to watch (2018).
Innovative Technology Director Award
Potito was a classroom teacher for more than a decade before becoming a technology instructional specialist. She then became director of digital learning for Leominster Public Schools. Read more here.
Best Implementation of Digital Curriculum Award
In addition to holding an Ed.S in Technology Management and Administration and an M.A. in Technology Education, Powell is a Google Certified Trainer and Microsoft Innovative Expert and Trainer. Read more here.
Best Implementation of Data Privacy
Kim Ramos was a classroom teacher for 20+ years. In 2014, she transitioned into the role of Technology Instructional Coach for the North Kingstown School Dept. in Kingstown, RI. In addition to supporting teachers and students, she is responsible for creating and delivering technology-related professional development across the district. Kim has presented at many conferences and received several awards. She is also a Highlander Institute Fuse Fellow and the current president of RISTE. Read more here.
Best Example of Professional Development
Randolph has more than 15 years' experience as an Instructional Technology Coordinator for Arlington Public Schools. During that time, he has taught instructional technology/STEAM/CTE skills to students, teachers and administration. He is a member of ISTE, a former ISTE STEM Co-Chair 2019-20 and a member of VSTE, and has also served as Lead High School Instructional Technology Coordinator for Arlington Public Schools. He is a Certified Apple Learning Coach, Apple Learning Specialist, SMART Lumio Certified Trainer and Certified Online Facilitator.
Best Overall Implementation of Technology
Strong education professional focused on STEAM education, Reaves is an experienced principal with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry. Skilled in K-12 Education, Staff Development, Educational Leadership, Classroom Management, and Teaching. Read more here.
Innovative Superintendent Award
Robbins is the superintendent of the Brigantine Public School District in Brigantine, New Jersey. His passion is harnessing a school culture that thrives on design thinking, futurism, innovative digital spaces, technology integration, social emotional learning Zen dens, and maker cultures. He encourages all students to have a voice, not only in building a school culture, but also in designing student- led courses and opportunities. Read more here.
Best Overall Implementation of Technology
Robinson is an experienced director of technology with a demonstrated history of working in the primary/secondary education industry. He's a strong information technology professional skilled in Educational Technology, Instructional Design, Technical Writing, Curriculum Development, and Teacher Training. Read more here.
Best Example of Professional Development
In her 20 years in education, Rothstein has taught grades 9-12 English, Yearbook, AVID and chaired the LEAD Design Thinking Pathway at Los Gatos High School for 10 years. She is a certified administrator and is currently serving as the an Educational Innovation Leader for Santa Clara Unified School District, a K-12 school district supporting 15,500 students and over 1,000 teachers at 31 schools.
Best Example of Professional Development
As a Senior Instructional Technology Coordinator, Christine Stokes-Beverley works with teachers to help them use technology to transform learning for students. She has served as a Teacher Fellow in the U.S Department of Education's Office of Educational Technology, where she provided professional learning opportunities to educators at the local, state, and national levels. She holds a bachelor's degree in special education from Florida International University and a master's and specialist degree in educational technology from the University of West Georgia.
Innovative County Office of Education Director
Adina Sullivan-Marlow draws on her own experience to promote more diversity in education with Educator Pathways, a program of the San Diego County Office of Education. Read more here.
Innovative Thought Leader Award
During her time at New York City Public Schools, Tesoriero led student voice, educator voice and school leader voice initiatives at DIIT to help improve the design and implementation of educational technology. Before this role, she was a self-contained special education STEM teacher for a decade and spent two years on the West Coast as an academic researcher focused on equity in Science/ STEM education. Read more here.
Innovative Superintendent Award
Van Der Aa is Superintendent of the Bloomfield School District in Indiana. He has been in education for over 20 years in various roles and has a passion for serving multi-language learners and helping their families increase their involvement in the education of their children. Read more here.
Most Innovative Learning Spaces
Andrew Wallace has been the technology director for South Portland Schools in Maine for the past 19 years. He is President of the Maine Educational Technology Directors Association (METDA) and represents Maine schools on the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) Forum. A former librarian and current instructor at the University of Maine’s Graduate College of Education, Wallace is interested in spreading the Learning Commons model, and helping to imagine and create effective learning spaces.
Best Example of Teacher & Student Wellbeing Programs
Whitney has been a teacher in the South Allegheny School District for 22 years, serving mostly as a middle school science/STEM teacher. Her goal is to be an innovative teacher who is dedicated to making students love learning. She enjoys experimenting with different methods of teaching and integrating technology in the classroom and appreciates working in a district that prioritizes innovative leadership. Read more here.
Best Example of Professional Development
Matt Winters is a senior technology trainer for Utah Education Network, which supports an entire state of 700-800,000 students, by no means a small population to serve. Read his advice for other state education leaders looking to improve professional development at every level across their states and school districts Read more here.
Best Example of Teacher and Student Wellbeing Programs
Dr. Zachery-Ross' background includes elementary and secondary instruction, curriculum development, culturally responsive education, group facilitation, Adaptive Schools/Cognitive Coaching, community relations, and data analysis. Previously she served as the Superintendent of Schools for Okemos Public Schools and the Muskegon Heights Public School Academy System. Read more here.
Do you know an innovative school district leader who you would like to nominate for the Tech & Learning's Innovative Leader Awards, or would you like to nominate yourself for this award? Find our upcoming dates and locations for these awards here.
Each selected finalist will be invited to join us at the relevant Regional Leadership Summit where the winners of each category will be announced.
All finalists receive:
- An exclusive invitation to attend the Tech & Learning Summit in their region including the awards ceremony, all sessions, discussions and networking
- Two-night free hotel stay (close to the Summit venue)
- Recognition in Tech & Learning magazine (reaching 80,000 readers) and on the Tech & Learning website (reaching 150,000 monthly visitors)
- A Tech & Learning Innovative Leader Award Seal that can be added to all district websites
- PLUS winners and finalists will receive an exclusive invitation to Tech & Learning's Innovative Leader Summit, taking place on December 8 outside of New York City!
Plus winners receive:
- An exclusive interview and profile in Tech & Learning magazine (reaching 80,000 readers) and on the Tech & Learning website (reaching 150,000 monthly visitors)
- A Tech & Learning Innovative Leader Award Winner Seal that can be added to all district websites
Nominate yourself or another district leader here
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