Make your own Newspaper

You can create your own newspaper article with the Newspaper Clipping Generator. I saw this tip mentioned on Twitter by Tammy Worcester and made my own clipping to share with you, featuring how-to directions.

Think about how you can use this with your students:

  • You can use this as a way to motivate or engage your students about a new project or assignment.
  • Have your students create a clipping for a writing assignment.
  • Have students create a clipping as part of their history assignment from the time period they are studying.

Create an article of your own:

  • Name of your newspaper (keep it short because only the first part of the title appears)
  • Date of your article when you want it to appear
  • Headline for your article (think of a catchy title)
  • Your own news story (about 100-200 words)

How do you share your clipping?

  1. Click the Click here to save your newspaper. This saves your clipping as a .jpg file.
  2. Right-click (Windows) or control-click (Mac) on the image to copy it to your clipboard. In doing this, you can rename and shorten the title.
  3. You can either insert your image into a PowerPoint presentation, Word document, Video, Website, or blog.

There are other things you can do on this site like create your own clapper board.

Next Tip: Engaging Email