ISTE 2012: New Software & Online
Adobe Certified Associate Exams
Certiport is now offering the Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) exams for the new Adobe Creative Suite 6 (CS6). The exams engage students and validate their use of digital media to plan, design, build, and maintain effective communications using Adobe Photoshop, Flash Professional, Dreamweaver, and Premiere Pro programs.
Aerohive and JAMF Software Casper Suite
Aerohive, a provider of controllerfree Wi-Fi and cloud-enabled networking, and JAMF Software have teamed up to develop a new solution that enables comprehensive management of Apple devices. The integration system allows managers and other technology personnel to control eBook and app distribution. The suite also automates and enforces students and other faculty members to enroll their devices into the program to ensure compliance with school policy.
Algebra City Interactive Activities
PCI Education’s new online module offers a virtual space where students choose their own adventures to practice key algebra concepts. A Web-based component of the blended intervention program called Algebra City, Interactive Activities helps students solve specifically targeted algebra problems.
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Amtel MDM Education Solution
Amtel Inc. has released a mobile device management (MDM) solution targeted at K-12 schools, with a flat-rate fee to support an unlimited number of devices. The flat-rate education plan offers the key features K-12 schools require for mobile security and management, including app management, Apple app volume purchasing, mobile password security, device information, and remote, selective wipe.
Anti-Pornography Scanner
Gaggle’s new anti-pornography scanner (APS) is a sophisticated tool used to detect pornography in electronic communications and on Web sites. The scanner looks at embedded images, attached images, and URLs to determine whether an image is pornographic.
Ascend Math
Ascend Education has announced that Ascend Math, the online math intervention solution, is now fully functional on all tablets. Now students using Ascend Math can log in to Ascend through a browser on a tablet and view the video instruction within all of the program’s K-12 grade levels on an iPad.
Atomic Mobilize
Atomic Learning has launched Atomic Mobilize, a repository of online professional development resources and planning tools focusing on mobile devices in the classroom. In addition to planning tools, Mobilize offers success stories and examples from fellow educators.
Blue Jeans 2.0
Blue Jeans Network offers a single videoconference service that allows users to have access from multiple services, including browsers. Since its introduction one year ago, Blue Jeans has hosted hundreds of thousands of meetings for businesses of all shapes and sizes in over 3,000 cities worldwide.
Boogie Board Rip Virtual Desktop Companion 2.0
Improv Electronics is releasing the Boogie Board Rip Virtual Desktop Companion 2.0 (VDC) upgrade this month. The Virtual Desktop Companion is free downloadable PC software that adds functionality to the Boogie Board Rip LCD eWriter. The upgrade includes integration with Evernote and access to a virtual whiteboard mode that allows the image on a Boogie Board RipeWriter to be viewed in real-time on a PC.
BrainPOP Integration with Acuity
CTB/ McGraw-Hill has partnered with BrainPOP to integrate the company’s animated educational resources into Acuity, CTB’s interim benchmark assessment program. Offering BrainPOP’s animated movies and quizzes alongside Acuity’s existing instructional resources gives teachers more insight on student learning and offers students a more interactive and fun learning experience.
Camtasia Studio 8:
With TechSmith’s Camtasia Studio 8, teachers can embed hyperlinks within any video. They can also add multiple-choice, short-answer, and true-false questions at any point within the video to ensure that students watch the videos and see how the material is resonating. Upon students’ completion of the video, teachers receive a detailed email report from TechSmith’s cloud. The quiz data can be automatically graded and organized.
ComfortPoint Open Building Management System
Honeywell has introduced the ComfortPoint Open Building Management System, which helps control and optimize heating and cooling equipment in facilities. The ComfortPoint system offers Web and mobile accessibility, reduces energy costs with built-in utility meter management tools and advanced energy reporting, and provides the flexibility to grow and expand with end-to-end BACnet integration.
CompassLearning Odyssey
Compass-Learning has announced the 2012 summer version of Odyssey. The upgrade offers more flexibility to customize, control, and add curriculum, content, and authentic tasks for unique teaching situations. Pre-built Odyssey High School courses support original credit, yet are designed to help educators quickly implement credit recovery programs.
Connected Science System
Vernier Software & Technology has created the Connected Science System, a networked collection of technology that expands the ability to use data collected with Vernier’s LabQuest 2 using mobile devices. The system encompasses three major features, Graphical Analysis for iPad, Vernier Data Share, and LabQuest Viewer, that support a collaborative learning environment.
EarthLink TechCare
EarthLink, Inc. has launched TechCare, the next in its series of IT business solutions. EarthLink TechCare is a fully-managed, outsourced help desk that is customizable and scalable, allowing administrators to relieve their overburdened IT staffs and refocus on more strategic initiatives.
PEAK12 (, which stands for Personalize, Engage, and Achieve with K12, is an intelligent management center for online learning that enables schools and districts to manage and personalize their online learning program solutions, including K12 and third-party solutions, open-education resources, and district-authored or generated content from one place.
Enterasys Mobile IAM
Enterasys Networks has announced the new Mobile IAM (Mobile Identity and Access Manager), a bring-your-owndevice (BYOD) network solution that is available in both physical and virtual options. The Mobile IAM application provides enterprise IT complete control and visibility into their BYOD environments.
ePals has relaunched its Web site and significantly enhanced its online collaboration capabilities. ePals’ new capabilities build stronger matches, make project ideas instantly accessible, enable safe social learning, and provide students with related independent opportunities for extended learning.
E-Rate Manager
Funds For Learning has expanded its user package options for the E-rate Manager tool. The new structure enables schools, libraries, and service providers to select from three feature-specific packages that will best serve the size and scope of each user. The three tiers range from a basic package, which includes E-rate funding reports and form statuses to a professional package that provides cloud storage.
FileMaker 12
FileMaker, Inc. has released version 12 of its database software line. FileMaker Pro 12 features new themes, design tools for Starter Solutions, iPad, iPhone, and other desktop programs, and file management for mediaintensive applications. FileMaker Pro 12 Advanced adds additional development and management tools. The free download of FileMaker Go 12 for the iPad and iPhone makes it easy to run iOS database apps created by FileMaker Pro 12.
Follett Software Digital Content Partners
Follett Software has announced partnerships with leading providers to sell reliable and relevant third-party digital content. The initial five partners are Soundzabound, CountryReports, A.D.A.M. Interactive Anatomy, TeachingBooks. net, and ABCCLIO. The digital content subscriptions from these companies provide students and staff access to a wealth of interactive, online resources, comprehensive databases, and up-to-date information.
ForeScout CounterAct
With ForeScout CounterACT, schools can centrally manage all devices across multiple office locations from one console without changing the existing infrastructure. CounterACT offers multi-factor visibility into connected devices, flexible policy management, and continual endpoint monitoring. Furthermore, the rapid and flexible policy assessment puts less strain on the IT department.
GoodReader App
GoodReader’s latest update offers several enhancements to its app. It includes an Eraser function, making it easy to erase annotations that have been added by the user to a PDF, as well as a new shortcut to the “Upload” button on the file management control panel. Another addition is the “Share” button, which allows users to create public downloading links for Dropbox.
HISTORY Social Studies iBooks
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and HISTORY, a division of AETN, have launched two co-branded high school social studies iBooks textbooks for the iPad. Using audio, video, student interactives, and a vast library of video from HISTORY, students see U.S. history as an ongoing narrative to be understood, not just facts to be memorized.
HMH and Promethean Whiteboard Lessons
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and Promethean have teamed up to offer two readyto- use collections of Common Core interactive whiteboard lessons for reading and mathematics. These new lessons integrate best-in-class content from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt with best-in-class interactive and touchscreen technology from Promethean to create learning activities that promote problem solving, critical thinking, and class discussion.
HP Institute
In addition to releasing several new products in its lineup, HP has developed the HP Institute to provide IT certification to students to help prepare them for the future. They acquire technical skills and get an industryrecognized certificate.
Learn360 and BBC Motion Gallery
Learn360 has partnered with BBC Motion Gallery to offer over 600 natural sciences and cultural videos from BBC Motion Gallery’s education division. New titles will be added monthly, beginning in the 2012-13 school year., Expanded
Learning. com now offers over 200,000 standards-aligned digital learning objects and assessments. The Web site’s new, project-based learning approach to Common Core standards provides districts with a model of integrated, multi-day projects that require students to use 21st century skills.
Lexia Reading
Lexia Learning has made enhancements to its researchvalidated, tech-based reading program, Lexia Reading. Teachers now receive a simple, dynamic action plan to differentiate instruction for every student. In addition, the Assessment Without Testing system provides administrators with monthly, norm-referenced measures of student proficiency at the district, grade, school, class, and student level.
Lightspeed Mobile Device Management
Lightspeed Systems has released Lightspeed Mobile Device Management (MDM). With education-specific tools and hierarchical policy settings, the Lightspeed MDM makes mobile device management simple, keeps devices and the network safe, and ensures that mobile learning programs are successful.
MentorMob U
MentorMob introduces MentorMob U, the private-label, software-as-a-service designed for K-12 schools and colleges. MentorMob U delivers a Learning Playlistbased user interface that allows students to learn at their own pace, through step-bystep instruction and collaboration tools.
Meru and LanSchool Wi-Fi Based Learning Management Solution
Meru Networks has announced a partnership with LanSchool to deliver a Wi-Fi based, uninterrupted, learning management solution. IT can manage the network, teachers can manage the class, and students can manage their assignments. The companies are working together to support iPads, laptops, smartphones, and other mobile devices in schools for uninterrupted learning over the Wi-Fi network.
myOn Mobile Platform Accessibility
Capstone Digital announces new mobile capabilities that make myON accessible through virtually every mobile platform. Students, educators, and parents may now access the myON reader personalized literacy environment through Macs, PCs, iPads, Kindle Fire tablets, and most Android devices equipped with Android OS version 3.0 or higher.
MyStudentCare, a new, Web-based, communications tool is designed to relieve the most common pain points experienced by school administrators when it comes to reliably communicating important information to parents. The primary functions include contact and health information management and activities management for after-school programs.
Naiku is a new, balanced assessment system that allows students to take standardsaligned quizzes and tests using any Web-enabled device. With automated scoring and built-in reporting, teachers immediately see how their students are performing. They can use the system to track, communicate, and compare progress.
National Geographic Magazine Archive
Gale now provides libraries with access to all National Geographic magazine issues from 1995 onwards, as well as access to a new virtual reference collection of books, maps, videos, images, and National Geographic Traveler magazine. This is the first time all these resources have been offered to libraries together in digital and searchable form.
netTrekker Search
Knovation has upgraded netTrekker Search, the leading educational search tool trusted by millions of K-12 educators and students. The new search tool gives users the ability to easily sort and refine search results by academic or reading level, subject, language, and recommendations. It also allows users to save, organize, and share digital resources, and offers safe, Web-based access from home.
Pano System for Cloud
Pano Logic, a specialist in zero-client desktop virtualization, has announced Pano System for Cloud, the lowest-cost desktop computing platform for organizations moving to Web-based applications. It eliminates the need for a local operating system and central processing unit and delivers Web-based computing using Google’s Chrome browser as the interface.
Path Driver for Reading and Math
EPS, a division of School Specialty, introduced Path Driver for Reading and Path Driver for Math, two online assessment systems that deliver predictive measures of student proficiency. Supporting RTI initiatives and data-driven instruction, the Path Driver programs will provide schools with tools for universal screening, progress monitoring, and reporting.
PBS Learning Media Library
PBS Learning Media is expanding its library with select digital content from Annenberg Learning, part of the Annenberg Foundation. The content from Annenberg Learner will roll out starting with 75 high-quality interactives in subjects including math, language arts, social studies, science, and the arts.
PLATO Learning Elective Courses
PLATO Learning has partnered with eDynamic Learning to deliver an expanded offering of online elective courses. The Secondary Electives Library includes 24 semester-long courses for students in grades 9-12, which include psychology, sociology, forensic science, music appreciation, and photography.
ProProfs Quiz Maker
( has announced a new set of features for its Quiz Maker product. Now users can quickly and easily create quizzes drawing from over 3 million free sample questions and 300,000 quiz templates. The program also comes with a robust set of reporting features to help teachers track quiz performance.
Reading Rainbow App
Reading Rainbow host and producer, LeVar Burton, has brought the series back to life as a reading adventure iPad app. Designed for children ages 3-9, the app has a library of hundreds of curated books. The app also includes a feature called Video Field Trips that uses a combination of newly produced video as well as classic segments from the TV show.
Schoology API and Developer Platform
Schoology, a cloud-based, collaborative learning platform, has released its open Application Programming Interface (API) and developer platform. The API and developer platform allows third parties to interact with and extend the features and functionality found in Schoology.
Shmoop College Readiness Guide and College 101
Shmoop offers an extensive College Readiness Guide and College 101 resources. The Guide covers a variety of topics commonly found on standardized tests to help prepare students for the SAT, PSAT, ACT, CAHSEE, ISEE, SAT subject tests, and AP Exams. College 101 is a free, online resource that covers topics such as admission essays, financial aid, and more.
Skoolbo Core Skills
Skoolbo Core Skills, the world’s largest educational game, is now available. Skoolbo is a multi-platform literacy and numeracy program designed to help 4-10 year olds learn to read and gain confidence with numbers. Teachers and parents receive comprehensive, individually customized reports detailing strengths and weaknesses, and also suggesting activities for student improvement.
The Studio by FLVS
Florida Virtual School (FLVS) recently launched the studio by FLVS, a collection of live, online workshops, webinars, and videos, tailored to different skill levels and interests. The FLVS Live Workshop Series features a collection of four-week, hourlong lessons on topics including digital photography, cooking a summer or autumn menu, beginning a sketchbook, learning calligraphy, using Google Docs, and more.
StudyBlue App
To support the trend of mobile studying, StudyBlue now offers iPhone and Android mobile apps. Students can create and study flashcards on their smartphones with the free apps, which offer the ability to add photos, as well as turning text-to-speech data directly into flashcards.
Study Island Common Core Benchmarking
Archipelago Learning has launched Study Island’s Common Core Benchmarking for grades 6-8. Study Island is a Web-based instruction, practice, and learning program built from individual, state, and Common Core standards. The new benchmarking tests allow teachers to better evaluate students’ proficiencies against the Common Core Standards.
TCI Welcomes K-12 Social Studies Teachers to the Paperless Classroom
TCI unveiled new versions of its teacher and student subscriptions, fully optimized for teaching online, that allow teachers to meet Common Core Standards while engaging students in meaningful social studies instruction.
Teacher Effectiveness System
School Improvement’s Teacher Effectiveness System (TES) is an integrated system that incorporates every step of the teacher learning cycle to help teachers prepare their students for college. TES walks educators through a systematic, six-step process: Goals and Objectives, Process and Workflow Management, Systemic Professional Development, Observations and Evaluations, Personalized Professional Learning, and Progress and Evidence.
For the past year, the platform has been used to support NCTAF’s Teachers Learning in Networked Communities (TLINC) program. TLINC 2.0 gives mobile devices to student teachers at five universities. The devices are used to support face-to-face and online learning communities that encourage student teachers, mentor teachers, and faculty to share goals, progress, and challenges.
Triton Data Collection System
Turning Technologies announced that the Triton Data Collection System will be coming this fall. The Triton Data Collection System consists of a proctor receiver with proctoring software, a central administration Web portal, and ResponseCard NXT clickers. The patented solution allows for real-time proctor monitoring of test progress while operating in no- to low-bandwidth environments. The system does not require any software installation and item response data is always encrypted for security.
Turnitin CCSS Writing Rubrics
Turnitin has partnered with the English Professional Learning Council to develop writing rubrics aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) that will prepare students for college-level course work. The council is comprised of educators from Saddleback College, the University of California (Irvine), California State University (Fullerton), and the Orange County Department of Education.
Vidyo Adaptive Video Layering Technology
Vidyo delivers telepresence-quality video conferencing for a wide range of endpoints over the Internet, LTE, 3G, and 4G networks. The VidyoRouter dynamically optimizes video streams to the capabilities of each endpoint and network conditions by leveraging the company’s patented Adaptive Video Layering (AVL) technology and H.264 Scalable Video Coding (SVC)-based compression.
Virtual Academy and Global Languages
PLATO Learning has introduced PLATO Virtual Academy (PVA), a flexible, standards-based solution that pairs research-based courses with certified, online teachers. The company’s Global Languages curriculum will be available on the PVA beginning this fall. This will allow schools to offer AP courses in less common languages, such as Latin and Chinese.
Virtual School Services
E2020 Inc. has launched its latest program, Virtual School Services, which allows schools to create their own virtual learning programs and choose the level of service they need to extend their current capabilities. Administrators can choose from a broad catalog of standardsaligned courses, including core, career electives, AP, and world languages. The accredited program offers tools such as live chat, an interactive white board, webinars for collaboration, and certified teachers to support existing staff.
Wanderful Story Books
Wanderful has released a new collection of the engaging and multilingual interactive books originally published by Living Books for various hardware platforms. The collection, featuring “The Tortoise and the Hare” and “Arthur’s Teacher Trouble,” gives students an interactive reading experience with the help of animated content.
Built on a cloud-based platform, Wowzers delivers 3rd- 5th grade math Common Core curriculum via story-driven games and activities in an adaptive learning environment to let students learn at their own pace. Wowzers also features datadriven analytics, offering educators a realtime snapshot of each student’s progress with the click of a button.
BenQ ( has added the MX816ST (pictured) and MX851UST I to its line of SmartEco interactive whiteboard projectors. These projectors can reduce power consumption by up to 70 percent while providing exceptional brightness.
MIZCO ( has a new line of accessories for tablets. Released under the DIGIPOWER, iESSENTIALS (pictured), and Travelocity brands, the new tablet cases can fit any tablet or eReader. The company has also introduced the DIGIPOWER Cross-Brand Tablet Charger, which can optimally charge all USB-powered tablets.
Bretford Manufacturing ( has introduced a new line of furniture, called EDU 2.0. The company has also created a Discovery Guide, which helps school administrators understand, create, and implement agile learning spaces.
New Hardware
C610B431MC361 MFPCa830 OKI ( has added several products to its printer portfolio. The C610 (color) and the B431 (monochrome) are letter-, legal-, and A4-sized digital printers that offer high quality and fast output. The MC361 MFP is a desktop HD color multi-function printer with standard multi-tasking functionality. Finally, the Ca830 is a desktoptabloid- and A3-sized color printer with enhanced media flexibility.
Phoenix Audio Technologies ( has introduced IP capabilities to its Quattro3 tabletop conference speakerphone. The new Quattro3 MT305 (Q3 MT305) combines the Quattro3 USB with the MT305 SIP/IP telephone, supporting Power over Ethernet (PoE).
Canon U.S.A. ( has announced four LCD models of lightweight, portable, and cost-effective projectors. The new models include the LV-8227 (pictured), a high-contrast projector, and the LV-7392A, LV-7297M, and LV-7292M, which are multimedia projectors that offer high-contrast image projection with widescreen WXGA resolution display.
ISTE2012: New Hardware
SparkFun Electronics ( has released MiniBot, the latest addition to its ProtoSnap line. MiniBot is a complete robotics platform that can be used to build a small, wheeled robot. MiniBot introduces students to the world of robotics and provides an easy-to-use introduction to concepts like navigation, obstacle detection, and handling sensor data.
AMX ( has announced the availability of the DXLink Multi-Format Transmitters. With a single twisted pair cable (connecting DXLink Transmitters to Enova DVX or DGX Switchers), the transmitters transport all Enova capabilities (including SmartScale and InstaGate Pro) at a rate of 100 meters at a time from component to component. The Enova ( DGX Digital Media Switcher can push high-resolution images to remote locations throughout the facility.
Panasonic ( has released the PT-RZ470 (bottom) and PT-RZ370 (top) Series projectors, which use an LED/laser combined light source to deliver up to 20,000 hours of maintenance-free operation. The projectors turn on and reach full brightness instantaneously without any need for warm-up time. There are no limitations to the number and duration of on/off cycles. The projectors are designed with 2x zoom and wide lens shift capability, in addition to HDBaseT connectivity.
ViewSonic ( has announced the Pro9000 and Pro8300 HD projectors. The Pro9000 offers an LED hybrid technology where LED light and lasers combine to create a single light source for rich display color. The Pro8300 features BrilliantColor Technology with a Pixelworks 10-bit image processor for vivid colors and has a 1920x1080 native resolution.
Hitachi America ( has announced the CP-AW 2519N, an ultra-short, throw projector that can be mounted close to a wall or projection surface. The projector’s naming feature lets the user customize the names of input sources, and its remote offers My Memory, My Screen, and My Buttons options for fast access to frequently used functions and sources.
XPAND 3D’s ( new EDUX3 3D Glasses help teachers engage their students, while remaining durable and providing sharp visibility. They are compatible with a wide range of 3D display devices.
Califone International ( has released a new, durable, touch-screen MP4 player, the 8201 Player. Designed for school use, the player has video, audio, images, gaming, and eBook capabilities. Students can record audio class presentations for later playback, as well as view educational videos, charts, or diagrams.
FrontRow ( has unveiled the Juno digital communication platform. Juno combines the sound quality and academic benefits of an installed sound system, voiceactivated control, and a software feature for easy lesson capture. The system also includes a one-touch teacher microphone, an installation-free digital line array speaker tower that’s expandable with up to six additional speakers, desktop software, and up to four simultaneous student microphones.
Toshiba’s Digital Products Division ( announced the growth of its Ultrabook product line with the introduction of the Satellite U series. New models include the Satellite U845W, offering a 21:9 cinematic display, and the Satellite U845, an affordably priced, everyday Ultrabook.
Optoma ( has introduced the TW635-3D (pictured) and TX635-3D, two widescreen 3500 ANSI lumen projectors with a comprehensive I/O suite and wireless capabilities. The projectors also include Eco+ mode, a suite of features that reduces power consumption by up to 30 percent, while increasing lamp life by up to 50 percent.
Teachscape ( has created the Mini Tablet Kit for iPads, which can be used with the company’s Reflect Video software to meet professional learning and teacher evaluation needs. The kit contains a sturdy and compact tablet stand that can be used with iPads and other tablet models, a professional grade, selfpowered microphone, a detachable wide-angle lens, and a lightweight carrying case.
QOMO HiteVision introduced KidzBoard and the KidzTable at ISTE. The KidzBoard is an interactive whiteboard designed for small children. The KidzBoard is at a lower height, and comes with KidzFlow! annotation software. The KidzTable multi-touch table was also designed with children in mind. Its padded tabletop and 22” or 32” screen give students the room and comfort to interact with online resources, educational content, and games.