Illinois BOE Selects CEC and Teachscape to Train Teacher Evaluators

The Illinois State Board of Education has chosen the Consortium for Educational Change (CEC) and Teachscape to provide an online system by which to train and assess all of Illinois’ teacher evaluators. The teacher evaluator training is part of a statewide performance evaluation-training program that will enable school districts in Illinois to meet the requirements of the state’s Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA).

More than 7,000 Illinois teacher evaluators will be trained and certified during the next year. Teachscape and CEC will train and assess teacher evaluators using Teachscape’s Framework for Teaching Proficiency System, the core of the training.CEC is augmenting this training by creating additional online modules and in-person sessions that focus on student measures, professional conversations and the legal components of the new Illinois requirements.

The Framework for Teaching Proficiency System was developed by Teachscape in collaboration with Charlotte Danielson and Educational Testing Service (ETS) and was born out of the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Proficiency System integrates observer training, scoring practice and a proficiency test into a complete system and includes more than 15 hours of self-paced online training and over 100 master-scored videos covering all proficiency ranges for grades K-12.

“As the stakes around teacher evaluation heighten, there is a great need for states and districts to make sure their teacher evaluations are accurate, reliable and valid in order to improve teaching,” said Charlotte Danielson. “Evaluators must be trained and certified to make this a reality. I share Illinois’ confidence that the Framework for Teaching Proficiency System will help the state develop quality teachers who improve student learning.”