How is 5G Set to Change the Classroom?

5G with wireless symbol and icons of connectivity over world map.
(Image credit: Thinkstock/jo youngju)

From our friends at techradar:
5G is the fifth generation of mobile internet connectivity, and is just beginning to roll out around the world. It promises speeds up to 20 times faster than 4G connections, more bandwidth and more stable connections. 

This has tremendous potential to transform the way we communicate, with live high-definition video streaming and much faster download speeds, but it also has uses far beyond what we currently do with our phones and tablets – including reaching into the classroom.

Why this matters:  
Classroom technologies such as virtual/augmented reality and remote education are opening up new avenues to learning and engagement for K12 students. These technologies demand transmission of large amounts of data—which 5G can provide. To explore the benefits of 5G mobile internet connectivity in the classroom, visit