Encouraging Interactivity

Interactivity engages the learners and is a great way to reach the different learning styles. I have participated in videoconferences which involved nothing but a talking head. I found myself having a difficult time staying awake even if I enjoyed the speaker. Using interactive strategies encourages collaborative work and participants to provide feedback and coach each other.

  • Determine the best way for participants to signal they want to participate.
  • Send the leading question to all participants before the conference so they have time to decide how they will participate.
  • Encourage participants to ask each other questions and provide comments about the subject.
  • Provide a note-taking template so participants can summarize the discussion and list the three most important points (at least).
  • Encourage discussion about how the participants might use the information discussed in the videoconference.
  • If a videoconference covers several weeks, assign readings and questions.

It is a good idea to assign a lead person at each point who can manage the interactivity.

Submitted by:Barbara Bray

Next Tip: Presentation Materials