Conference Redux

Highlights from last month’s biggest face-to-face edtech events
March 1—Techforum13 Atlanta (#tltf13)
This was the 40th gathering for this long-running workshop devoted to sharing best practices in education technology. Speakers included keynote Diana Laufenberg from Philadelphia’s Science Leadership Academy, Curt Cearley, Director of Technology Services for Fayette County Schools, GA, and Jessica Pater, Associate Director, Foundations for the Future Program, Georgia Tech Research Institute, GA. Topics included BYOD, blended and flipped classrooms, and App-tivities across the curriculum. Watch livestream sessions at and read more at
March 4-7—SXSWedu (#sxswedu)
Now in its third year, the event drew more than 5,000 attendees. Education stakeholders and practitioners of all backgrounds came together to collaborate, create, and change how we teach and learn. Speakers included Anant Agarwal, President, edX, Andrew Ng, Co-Founder, Coursera, and Bill Gates. Winners of the festival’s 2013 LAUNCHedu competition for entrepreneurs in education were Clever, for their technology that helps schools sync learning software with student information systems and Speaking Pal. More information @
March 11-13— The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) (#CO SN13)
This year’s theme was Audacious Leadership. Speakers included Punya Mishra, Lord David Puttnam, and Curtis Bonk. The first annual CoSN K-12 IT Leadership Survey polled district technology leaders nationwide to capture technology trends, challenges and priorities surrounding K-12 technology leadership. Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Technology Architect Jim Siegl was honored as the association’s 2013 Volunteer of the Year and Kajeet for Education Vice President Michael Flood was picked as its 2013 Private Sector Champion. More information @ cosn.og
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March 14-16— Computer-Using Educators (CUE) (#CUE13)
This year’s conference theme was “CUE to the Core,” which focused on the Common Core State Standards and the essential role technology plays in their effective implementation. Speakers included Sir Ken Robinson, Catlin Tucker, and Kevin Honeycutt. The California Department of Education rolled out its new Ed Tech Blueprint, the state’s plan for implementing technology in its schools. Fourteen outstanding Ed Tech professionals were also honored. More information @
March 16-18—ASCD (#ASCD13)
Built on the theme “Learning: Our Story. Our Time. Our Future,” the Annual Conference and Exhibit Show was held at McCormick Place in Chicago, Ill., with the expectation to inform, engage, and challenge educators to better support student success. Speakers included Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch, Maya Angelou, and Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. Joshua Garcia, deputy superintendent of Tacoma Public Schools, and Ryan Twentey, a photography teacher at Parkville High School in Maryland, were announced as winners of the association’s 2013 Outstanding Young Educator Award (OYEA). More information @