Comic Strips with Flickr
Go to PimPamPum to find Bubblr. Use it to make your own comic strips from photos posted to Flickr, the social photo sharing site.
- Type in a tag, such as "meetings" or "vacation" or any of the hundreds of tags available.
- Click GO!
- Then pictures will appear and scroll at the top.
- Click on one of the pictures and it appears on the strip.
- Click on one of the bubbles and drag it to the picture.
- Grab the arrow or point on the bubble and drag it to an area on the picture.
- Click PUBLISH!
After you click Done!, you can send your comic strip to different people by putting in their email addresses.
So when you're done, you can create a new strip or recycle this strip. Enjoy this program and have fun!
Next Tip: TBA
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