Alternative Communication Contest Opens

AbleNet, Inc. is partnering with the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) to offer the first “AbleNet – ISAAC Remarkable Achievements Award.” This recognition will be awarded to an AAC professional who has achieved outstanding results by effectively using easy-tech AAC tools for individuals with communication disorders.
The award will be presented at the ISAAC 14th International Conference in Barcelona, Spain in July 2010. The winner will be awarded a USD $2,000 stipend, the honor to be a key speaker at the ISAAC Biennial Conference and receive $500 USD toward travel to the conference.
The closing date for applications is February 1, 2010. For more information on the contest, visit here.
The International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) works to improve the life of every adult and child with communication disorders. Members are people who use AAC, their families, therapists, teachers, doctors, researchers and people who make communication aids. ISAAC completes projects and provides information in hopes that AAC will be recognized, valued and used all across the world. For more information, visit
About AbleNet
AbleNet is an international company providing educational and technical solutions to help children and adults with disabilities. This includes a complete line of communication aids for nonverbal individuals; access aids, such as switches and wheelchair mounting devices for people who require physical supports; and special education classroom curriculum and software that both enhance and help ensure learning progress. For more information, visit .
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