30 Years And Counting.

You asked for it. More than 1,000 readers contributed to our 30thanniversary compilation of the most influential people in education technology. More than a few complained that our first two installments were lacking: too many thinkers and talkers and not enough doers. Well, we saved them all for this month.
Keep this copy in your back pocket for the next time someone bemoans the future of education in your presence. The work being done in grad school research labs, in the proverbial garages of fledgling entrepreneurs, and most important, in U.S. classrooms, should belie the bellyaching.
Also be sure to turn to page 26 for the first installment of what we call the Long Review. Tech & Learning has engaged the services of Village Charter School, an urban charter school in Trenton, NJ, to be our guinea pigs in a rather radical experiment. (Full disclosure: I am on the board of directors, and my son Phineas is a first grader.)
During the course of this school year, we will follow the administration and faculty as they implement a 40-seat installment of Pearson SuccessMaker on a Dell desktop PC network. Each month there will be an executive summary in the magazine. But the real nitty-gritty will happen online: Watch interviews with teachers and students as they (we hope) progress through the program; read the blogs of administrators as they weigh the cost and time benefits of such a sophisticated project; even ask your own questions.
As always, we appreciate your participation in our dynamic community of education geeks and encourage you to keep it up for the next 30 years or so!
Kevin Hogan
Editorial Director
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