Remote Learning in Action: Mountain Brook Schools
How Mountain Brook Schools implemented a remote learning plan, including podcasts, an elearning conference, and other resources.

Remote Learning in Action is a new series of articles from attendees and speakers of Tech & Learning's events. Click here to learn more about these events and to apply to attend.
Where: Mountain Brook Schools, Birmingham, Alabama
Who: Missy Brooks, Director of Curriculum and Instruction and Special Education
In Alabama, our schools closed on March 13, 2020, and declared that no in-person instruction would occur for the remainder of the school year and that remote learning would begin.
Since 2009, the district has been planning eDays in which students work from home and receive work electronically, which helped in the transition to full remote learning.
Mountain Brook Schools began elearning on April 6th for all our students. Beforehand, the district held a virtual five-day conference for all teachers. We had a many teachers sign on to our virtual lobby to chat, check their equipment, etc.
It took a great deal of collaboration to pull this off. All the while, we were addressing how to serve our special education population and students with a 504 plan or in intervention. We have been communicating with our community via podcasts, for which we have even created a special page.
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The district also created a special elearning plan that includes remote learning advice, best practices, lesson ideas, grading considerations, resources, and more.