NEWS & TRENDS: How to Protect Sensitive Data in SaaS Applications

computer monitor which looks like a steel safe


The information from SaaS applications is stored on the cloud. Because this is so convenient, use of these apps is growing at K–12 schools. However, experts warn that the convenience of the cloud should not mask the vulnerability of the data being stored. While Microsoft and Google guarantee the security of their platforms, cloud users are expected to manage their own SaaS configurations. This is where security issues are most likely to occur. Many breaches today are a simple result of accidentally leaving storage buckets open. SaaS information should be held to the same industry-regulated standards as those that apply to finances and healthcare. Just as banking records and medical diagnoses are deemed sensitive information, so too are student identities, including Social Security numbers, birthdates, and more. Emerging tools on the IT side are designed to help look for and set alerts for data going onto the cloud. School districts also need to adopt better built-in controls to protect against hackers.