Training & Staff Development for 21st Century Teaching at Lincoln Public Schools (Just Enough, Just in Time, Just for Me)

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This webinar took place on: Tuesday, March 30 & Tuesday May 11, 2010
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In order for students to have 21st century skills to succeed and compete in today's global workplace, districts first need to develop those skills in their teachers. How do you build a professional development program that creates a solid understanding of the skills and develop the ability to integrate them into the classroom?
Join us as a panel from Lincoln Public Schools shares best practices and collaboration between departments to create a successful training and staff development program to help their teachers – and students – succeed with 21st century learning.
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Kirk Langer has worked in K-12 technology for nearly 20 years. During the past 7 years, as the Lincoln Public Schools Director of Technology, Kirk has lead a number of initiatives including server and storage consolidation, data warehousing, and updates to the district's student information system just to name a few. None of these were greater in scope than an overhaul of the district's print/copy infrastructure including the implementation of DocuShare, a fully integrated enterprise content management system. Kirk has presented at a number of national and industry conferences including the National Education Computing Conference, XPlor, and the 2006 Gartner Print and Imaging Summit where his presentation was awarded "best of show." Kirk is a University of Nebraska Summa Cum Laude graduate, member of a number of professional organizations and serves his state on the Nebraska Information Technology Commission's Technical Panel and Network Nebraska Advisory Group.
Mary Reiman is the Director of Library Media Services for Lincoln Public Schools. She has her Master of Library Science from Emporia State University, Master of Arts in Adult Education and Educational Administration certification from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Mary was the media specialist at Southeast High School for sixteen years where she co-chaired the school improvement committee, facilitated S.E.E.D. (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) and coordinated the renovation of the LSE Media Center. She was a participant at the Yale Institute on Ethnicity in China and was part of the American Memory Fellows Institute in Washington, D.C.
Kristi Peters is the Technology Training & Support Coordinator for Lincoln Public Schools. She sets up technology workshops and training opportunities for staff, supervises the district's central Helpdesk and coordinates training and resources for district-wide initiatives that include technology.
Tim Hahn is the Instructional Technology Coordinator for Lincoln Public Schools. His responsibilities include overseeing the K-8 technology curriculum, supervising the Instructional Technology coaching program, and coordinating the efforts of building-based Technology Leaders (liaisons) who support classroom teachers in their use of technology for instruction. He also works with the district's Curriculum Department to embed technology / 21st Century skills into curricular objectives.