PAST EVENT: Tech & Learning Live @ Dallas

Thursday, November 3, 2016
Sheraton McKinney Hotel
75070, 1900 Gateway Blvd
McKinney, TX
What is Tech & Learning Live?
Tech & Learning is bringing Tech & Learning Live back to Texas on Thursday, November 3. This year’s program is all about professional development for tech lead learners—those edtech leaders who bridge the gaps between classroom and administration, curriculum and technology, school and home. This full day of workshops and discussions is specifically designed to “train the trainers” with shared best practices, workshops, and discussions that attendees can take back to their districts and put into action. This is your chance to network with others who care deeply about the future of education. Register now.
Who Should Attend:
Tech & Learning Newsletter
Tools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.
"The most beneficial administration-level PD I have attended in a while!" - Director of Instructional Technology
You're the expert, the supervisor, the mentor — but who mentors you? Take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn with and from fellow ed tech leaders. Tech & Learning Live brings together visionaries of all sorts -- from district-level CIOs and administrators to building-level technology specialists to mentor teachers and professional development providers -- for an amazing day of networking and growth. Come share your challenges and successes. Or just come to listen. Either way, Tech & Learning Live offers you a rare chance to relax and connect with others who share your passion for technology as a tool to transform teaching and learning.
Bring your leadership team and make the most of your professional development budget! Sign up here to bring your leadership team at a highly discounted rate (up to 50% off, depending on numbers of people you are bringing).
Submit a Proposal
If you have valuable information to share with other edtech leaders, please submit a proposal to present (you will be notified by January 1, 2016, if your proposal is accepted). Tech & Learning Live is the ideal place to expand your professional learning network, to share your stories and to listen and learn with your peers. Use this short survey to submit your ideas.
"I've been to TCEA, ISTE, Regional events, etc. and feel I got the most from Tech & Learning Live! Will definitely be back next year!" – Instructional Technologist
Registration and Breakfast: Playground (PREFUNCTION)
Network with friends while you enjoy breakfast in our “playground” area, where interactive exhibits including makerspaces, learning spaces, new gadgets, and more will be set up throughout the day.
Playgrounds include: Google Expeditions (Royse City ISD), Maker Playground (Del Valle ISD and White Oak ISD), and robots (Grace School).
Please fill out this evaluation and be entered in a drawing for a $100 American Express gift card. (Drawing to take place on November 11th.)
Keynote: Bob Moore: “Curriculum & Tech: Can This Marriage Be Saved”? (THROCKMORTON C)
Through his work of more than 28 years in edtech as a district CTO, in a tech vendor role, and as a consultant to school districts, Bob Moore, CTO for Dallas ISD, has learned some practical steps technology and curriculum departments can take to improve collaboration and, ultimately, the effective use of edtech.
Curriculum & Tech Can This Marriage be Saved?
Refreshment and Networking Break: Playground (PREFUNCTION)
BREAKOUT #1: Building An Academic Coach Program on a Shoestring Budget (THROCKMORTON C)
Many districts have found tech and instructional models to be a successful way to deliver PD. However, funding these programs can sometimes be a challenge. Learn how these districts used creative funding techniques to develop successful academic coaching initiatives. PANELISTS: Wendy Jones (Director of Technology Curriculum and Innovation, Leander ISD), Peter Griffths (Associate Superintendent, Wichita Falls ISD), Frank Murray (Assistant Director of Technology/Coordinator of Instructional Technology, Wichita Falls ISD), and Knikole Taylor (Blended Learning Specialist, Lancaster ISD); Moderator: Kevin Hogan
Building An Academic Coach Program on a Shoestring Budget
BREAKOUT #2: Blended Learning: The Key to Personalized, Scalable Instruction? (THROCKMORTON B)
Blended instruction can create smaller class sizes, flexible schedules, and adaptive teaching that results in true personalized learning. These schools share their stories of how they used blended, online, and virtual learning to improve the learning experience for their students. Presenters: Barbara L. Brown (Senior Director of Technology, Prestonwood Christian Academy), Donna Henry (Director of Virtual Learning, Lewisville ISD), and Randy Sumrall (Executive Director of Technology, Birdville ISD). Moderator: Alice Owen.
Blended Learning: The Key to Personalized, Scalable Instruction?
BREAKOUT #3: Digital Citizenship (DOWELL)
This session will focus on how to create specific policies and procedures that can educate school communities on their roles in the appropriate use of social media--not to limit or ban these powerful tools, but to harness their power in positive ways. PANELISTS: Gail Marlin (Director of Technology Services, Mansfield ISD), Brian Romero Smith (Specialist, Educational Technology, Division of Technology, Fort Worth Independent School District) and Carl Hooker (Director of Innovative & Digital Learning, Eanes ISD).
BREAKOUT #4: The Three R’s Go Digital: The Latest Tech Tools for Core Curricula (THROCKMORTON A)
These districts demo their favorite tools for core subjects. Presenters: Tracey Willyard (Instructional Technology Coordinator, Cedar Hill ISD), Cori Coburn-Shiflett (Digital Learning Coach, Georgetown Independent School District), Brett McIntyre (High School Math Teacher, San Angelo ISD). Moderator: Suzette McIntyre (Director of Technology, Wall ISD).
The Three R’s Go Digital: The Latest Tech Tools for Core Curricula
Refreshment and Networking Break: Playground (PREFUNCTION)
Industry Spotlights (THROCKMORTON C)
Hear from the companies that are sponsoring this event and shaping the future of educational technology.
Anything Goes Roundtable Discussions #1 (THROCKMORTON C)
These discussions, on topics suggested by attendees, provide a great opportunity for you to network with fellow technology leaders. Topics include:
*App Overkill: Going Beyond the Buzz Words: A Mini Workshop (Carl Hooker, Eanes ISD, TX): This entertaining and interactive mini-workshop will help attendees learn how to decide if the right apps are getting into classrooms. (This session will be held in THROCKMORTON A)
*#PokemonGoEdu: A Mini Workshop” (Cori Coburn-Shiflett, Digital Learning Coach, Georgetown Independent School District, Georgetown, TX): Come see and share how the PokemonGo phenomenon has been used in classrooms to support learning across curriculum in schools, especially in mathematics. (This session will be held in THROCKMORTON B)
*Increasing Community Involvement with Tech (Peter Griffiths, Associate Superintendent, Wichita Falls ISD, Wichita Falls, TX): Learn how this district involved their parents and community as they rolled out their tech programs.
*Lessons Learned from Google for Education (Karen Fuller, CTO, Klein ISD, Klein, TX): Best practices and lessons learned from classroom teachers and district administrators after going Google.
*A Closer Look at T-TESS (Scott Floyd, CTO, White Oak ISD, White Oak, TX): Learn more about this new teacher evaluation system.
*Student Privacy and Data Security (Sheryl Abshire, Chief Technology Officer, Calcasieu Parish Public Schools, Lake Charles, LA): In this discussion, you will learn about the issues and legalities surrounding student data privacy and what steps your school and district can start taking to ensure you are prepared to protect student data.
* Tech Tools to Help You Become a Tech Savvy Leader (Alice Owen, Texas K-12 CTO Council): Expand your digital toolbox with these ideas and share your favorites with others.
*Software as a Service: What are schools utilizing the most? (Suzette McIntyre, Technology Director, Wall ISD)
*How to Implement a Data-Driven Social-Emotional Learning Program (Rachel Johns, Manager of Research and Evaluation, Dallas Afterschool): Dallas Afterschool will discuss how it addresses social emotional learning through the Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA) to measure students’ SEL skills. They will also offer tips for other after school organizations that are interested in similar implementations.
Dessert & Demos: Playground (PREFUNCTION)
Anything Goes Roundtable Discussions #2 (THROCKMORTON C)
This second session of "anything goes" will repeat the topics from the 11:15 "anything goes" session (above).
BREAKOUT #1: Teaching Coding with Robots (THROCKMORTON B)
After playing with the robots in the Playground, learn more specifics about how these programs work, how they're funded, and how your schools can replicate these models--as well as integrate coding into your existing curriculum. PANELISTS: Juan Orozco (Director of Instructional Technology, Del Valle ISD, Buda), Austin Dennis (Instructional Technology Specialist, Del Valle ISD), and Betsy Crafton (STEM/ Technology Teacher K-5, Grace School, Houston, TX).
BREAKOUT #2: PD That Works: Leading with Technology (THROCKMORTON C )
What can school leaders do to encourage teachers to embrace technology? Beatriz Arnillas (Director-IT, Education Technology, Hoston ISD), Sheryl Abshire (Chief Technology Officer for the Calcasieu Parish Public Schools), and Darlene Rankin (Katy ISD). Moderator: Kevin Hogan.
PD That Works: Leading with Technology
BREAKOUT #3: Next Gen Tech: Rasperry Pis, 3D printing, Google Expeditions, and more (THROCKMORTON A)
Get a sneak peek and a chance to play with some of the latest in edtech. PANELISTS: Karen Fuller (CTO, Klein ISD, Klein, TX), Randy Rodgers (Director of Digital Learning Services, Seguin ISD, Seguin), and Dwight Goodwin (Director of Instructional Technology, Denton ISD).
Next Gen Tech: Raspberry Pis, 3D printing, and more
Closing Session: Playground & Takeaways (PREFUNCTION)
Join the party!
T&L Live will close with a series of short presentations that offer specific takeaways/highlights from the day. These presentations will be followed by a reception where you can unwind and network with colleagues and industry partners—as well as participate in the end-of-day prize drawing!
Please fill out this survey if you want to be entered in a drawing for a $100 American Express gift card. (Drawing to take place on November 11th.)