Tech & Learning Live @ Chicago

Friday May 6, 2016
Crowne Plaza O'Hare
5440 North River Road
Rosemont, IL 60018
What is Tech & Learning Live?
Tech & Learning is bringing back to Chicago on Friday, May 6 . This year’s program is all about professional development for tech lead learners—those edtech leaders who bridge the gaps between classroom and administration, curriculum and technology, school and home. This full day of workshops and discussions is specifically designed to “train the trainers” with shared best practices, workshops, and discussions that attendees can take back to their districts and put into action. This is your chance to network with others who care deeply about the future of education.
Who Should Attend:
Tech & Learning Newsletter
Tools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.
"The most beneficial administration-level PD I have attended in a while!" - Director of Instructional Technology
You're the expert, the supervisor, the mentor — but who mentors you? Take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn with and from fellow ed tech leaders. Tech & Learning Live brings together visionaries of all sorts -- from district-level CIOs and administrators to building-level technology specialists to mentor teachers and professional development providers -- for an amazing day of networking and growth. Come share your challenges and successes. Or just come to listen. Either way, Tech & Learning Live offers you a rare chance to relax and connect with others who share your passion for technology as a tool to transform teaching and learning.
Bring your leadership team and make the most of your professional development budget! Sign up here to bring your leadership team at a highly discounted rate (up to 50% off, depending on numbers of people you are bringing).
Submit a Proposal
If you have valuable information to share with other edtech leaders, please submit a proposal to present (you will be notified by January 1, 2016, if your proposal is accepted). Tech & Learning Live is the ideal place to expand your professional learning network, to share your stories and to listen and learn with your peers. Use this short survey to submit your ideas.
"I've been to TCEA, ISTE, Regional events, etc. and feel I got the most from Tech & Learning Live! Will definitely be back next year!" – Instructional Technologist
Registration and Breakfast
Network with friends while you enjoy breakfast in our “playground” area, where interactive exhibits include Winnetka Public Schools’ STEAM space and Summit Elementary’s makerspace.
Winnetka Public Schools Full STEAM Ahead Presentation
Welcome and Opening Keynote: Chris Lehmann, founding principal of the Science Leadership Academy
What changes can edtech leaders make to move toward the next generation of “school?” Chris Lehmann, founding principal of Science Leadership Academy and co-author of Building School 2.0: How to Create the Schools We Need, will discuss not just why schools need to change to meet the evolving needs of technology-rich environments, but how schools can take these ideas from theory to practice.
Refreshment and Networking Break: Playground
Breakout # 1
We Have the Devices: Now What? (Future Ready Gear: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment)
Whether your schools are BYOD or 1:1, you have most likely moved past the “which hardware” conversation. Now what? In this session, hear how both sides of the device divide--instruction and tech--came together to provide the meaningful content, training, and buy-in needed to sustain a successful mobile device program. PRESENTERS: R.J. Gravel, Director of Technology Services, Glenbrook High School District 225, Glenview, IL; Rico D'Amore, Director of Educational Technology, Warren Township High School District #121, Gurnee, IL; Phil Hintz, Director of Technology, Gurnee School District 56; Kim Knigge, Coordinator of Instructional Technology, Joliet Public School District 86, Joliet, IL
We Have the Devices: Now What? Presentation
Next-Gen PD (Future Ready Gear: Personalized Professional Learning)
Empower every teacher in your district through personalized PD. The session will cover a variety of successful PD models connected to: Blended Learning, the 4 Cs of PD (collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking), Google Apps for Education, Personalized Learning, and Differentiated Learning. Session will include time dedicated for participants to the explore a variety of different learner-centered professional development resources. PRESENTERS: Jarod Bormann, Technology Integration Specialist, Keystone AEA, Elkader, Iowa and Steve Wick, Technology Coordinator/Science Teacher, Neuqua Valley High School/IPSD 204, Naperville, IL
Next-Gen PD Agenda
Next-Gen PD Interactive
Next-Gen PD Presentation
Rethinking Academic Coaches (Future Ready Gear: Personalized Professional Learning)
(2 Sessions) Many schools have added academic “coaching” models that dedicate staff members to train teachers on the effective implementation of tech & learning. This session provides examples of these successful instructional coaching models and offers tips and guidelines you can use to replicate these best practices in your schools.
NOTE: This will be divided into two sessions: one for K-8 schools; one for 9-12 schools.
COACHES SESSION ONE: K-8 (Presenters from Madison Metropolitan School District, Winnetka Public Schools, & Park Ridge Niles School District)
COACHES SESSION TWO: 9-12 (Presenters from Leyden High School District & Maine ISD)
Rethinking Academic Coaches Presentation
Refreshment and Networking Break: Playground
Industry Spotlights
Hear from the companies that are sponsoring this event and shaping the future of educational technology.
Anything Goes Discussions #1 (topics will be repeated at 2:15)
These discussions provide a great opportunity for you to network with fellow technology leaders. Topics include:
1- Data Decision Making in a 1:1 Environment (John Hutton & Pete Helfers)
2- Digital Citizenship (Kevin Konsler)
3 - Gaining Community Support to Innovative (Todd Dugan)
4 - Using Design Thinking to Drive School Improvement (Mikkel Storaasli)
5 - 8 Education Innovations You Can Use Today (Elizabeth Freeman)
6- Journey into a Gamified Classroom (VIta Carnduff & Phil Hintz)
7 - Managing Change at Ludicrous Speed (Anne Truger, Rich Pattison and Mary Mlinar Stephens)
8 - Clone The Teacher (Krista Wyman)
9 - Maximizing the GAFE Environment (Deanna Nelson)
10 - Tech for Social and Emotional Learning (Jacquie Duginske)
11 - Student Data Privacy (Craig Williams)
12 - The Nuts & Bolts of a Successful 1:1 Rollout (Nancy Battaglia)
13 - Chromebooks: Tips & Tools (Mickey Chavannes)
14 - Anything Goes: you suggest the topics!
Dessert & Demos: Playground
Breakout #2
Cool Tool Smackdown (Future Ready Gear: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment)
During this lightning-paced smackdown, presenters will make their cases for apps, add-ons, and other edtech tools while the audience votes on their favorites. Who will be left standing at the end of this battle? Presenters: Anne Truger, Charlene Chausis, Mary Mlinar-Stephens, Hank Thiele, Dan Rezac; Moderator: Michael Gorman
Cool Tool Smackdown Presentation
Blended Learning: The Key to Personalized, Scalable Instruction? (Future Ready Gear: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment)
Blended instruction can create smaller class sizes, flexible schedules, and adaptive teaching that results in true personalized learning. These schools share their stories of how they used blended, online, and virtual learning to improve the learning experience for their students. PRESENTERS: Beverly Berns, Technology Integration Specialist, Keystone Area Education Agency, Elkader, IA; Allison Gest, Maine 207; Phil Lacey, Director of Instructional Technology, NTHS 219
Rethinking Learning Spaces (Future Ready Gear: Use of Space and Time)
Learn how to connect the right mix of interactive hardware solutions and mobile devices to improve upon traditional teaching methods, cross-curriculum content, resource-rich lessons to meet the individualized instructional needs of all students. PRESENTERS: Steven Baule, Superintendent, Muncie Community Schools, Muncie, IN; Kevin Ryan, Director, 21st Century Learning, Curriculum and Instruction, & Melissa Wilson, Kildeer Countryside School District 96, Buffalo Grove, IL; Tom Neff, Principal Architect Schmidt Associates, Indianapolis; Ed Kitchen, Big Walnut Local Schools; Moderator: Bob Hanrahan
Rethinking Learning Spaces Presentation #1
Rethinking Learning Spaces Presentation #2
Anything Goes #2 (these topics are repeated from the morning session)
These discussions provide a great opportunity for you to network with fellow technology leaders. Topics include:
1- Data Decision Making in a 1:1 Environment (John Hutton & Pete Helfers)
2- Digital Citizenship (Kevin Konsler)
3 - Gaining Community Support to Innovative (Todd Dugan)
4 - Using Design Thinking to Drive School Improvement (Mikkel Storaasli)
5 - 8 Education Innovations You Can Use Today (Elizabeth Freeman)
6- Journey into a Gamified Classroom (VIta Carnduff & Phil Hintz)
7 - Managing Change at Ludicrous Speed (Anne Truger, Rich Pattison and Mary Mlinar Stephens)
8 - Clone The Teacher (Krista Wyman)
9 - Maximizing the GAFE Environment (Deanna Nelson)
10 - Tech for Social and Emotional Learning (Jacquie Duginske)
11 - Student Data Privacy (Craig Williams)
12 - The Nuts & Bolts of a Successful 1:1 Rollout (Nancy Battaglia)
13 - Chromebooks: Tips & Tools (Mickey Chavannes)
14 - Anything Goes: you suggest the topics!
Closing Session & Reception
Join the party!
T&L Live will close with a series of short presentations that offer specific takeaways/highlights from the day. These presentations will be followed by a reception where you can unwind and network with colleagues and industry partners—as well as participate in the end-of-day prize drawing!