Speakers: Tech Forum Chicago 2012

Keynote Speaker
DEAN SHARESKI, Learning Consultant, Saskatchewan, Canada
Dean Shareski is a learning consultant for Prairie South School Division in Saskatchewan, Canada. He also teaches pre-service teachers at the University of Regina. Shareski is currently on leave and serving as a community manager for Discovery Education Canada. He works with teachers and students in understanding the power and potential of the Read/Write Web and has been modeling much of this on his own blog (ideasandthoughts.org) since 2005. This is one space, among many, where he connects to the world and teaches and learns in ways not possible only a few years ago. Shareski is a strong advocate of design and storytelling and the power of sharing. He spent 15 years as a classroom teacher before moving to the district level where he has been fortunate to work with innovative and forward thinking team members who aren't afraid to try new things and occasionally fail. In 2010, he received the International Society for Technology in Education's award for outstanding leadership. He has presented and led many workshops locally, nationally and internationally and blogs regularly at Tech & Learning and The Huffington Post. Shareski believes joy, laughter and play need to take a greater role in education today and works to design learning environments where these are celebrated and seen as integral to learning.
Tech Forum is well known for its great speakers, attendees and networking opportunities.The following team members will be presenting:
Jonathan Bergmann, Lead Technology Facilitator, Joseph Sears School, Kenilworth, IL Jon Bergmann is a teacher, educational coach, and writer who has had the privilege of helping educators around the world reconsider what education can look like. He and Aaron Sams, who are considered two of the pioneers of the Flipped Class movement, co-wrote a book on the Flipped Classroom, which will be available from ISTE Press in June of 2012. Bergmann believes educators should ask one guiding question: What is best for my students in my classroom? To the best of his abilities he has done this in his 25 years as a high school science teacher. He received the Presidential Award for Excellence for Math and Science Teaching in 2002 and was named Semi-Finalist for the Colorado Teacher of the Year in 2010. He is currently the lead technology facilitator for the Joseph Sears School in Kenilworth, Illinois.
John Connolly, Education Technology Director, Chicago Public Schools, IL In his role as education technology director for CPS, John Connolly manages and coordinates the instructional technology initiatives for the third largest district in the US. This includes technology integration programs such as CPS’s nationally known iPad implementation, innovative technologies, digital media, video conferencing, professional development, online learning, Internet safety, and grant opportunities. His passion and innovation for using technology to transform teaching and learning has been recognized by the US DOE.He has 11 years experience with enterprise-wide technology solutions and served as a consultant for Cleveland, Columbus, and Wichita school districts prior to joining CPS. Connolly has played a key role for CPS in the roll-out of the district’s curriculum & instructional management system and the use of data to inform instruction. He has been instrumental in the loading of digital reading content for all teachers at CPS. His innovations and organization of the digital content have proved to be major achievements for the development of 21stcentury skills in the district.
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Candice Dodson, Director of eLearning, Indiana Department of Education Candice Dodson joined the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) in November, 2011. As the director of eLearning, she is working, with support from her team, on boosting the state’s efforts to connect Indiana to great ideas in educational technology, virtual and online learning, and new learning models and instructional practices. The office of eLearning’s strategic plan includes the formation of an eLearning Leadership Cadre, statewide professional development opportunities including regional conferences and administrator boot camps, classroom innovation projects, and resources and training to support digital learning.Dodson came to the IDOE from Evansville Vanderburgh Community Schools with over 20 years of experience in a variety of roles from elementary teacher, media specialist, and high ability educator to curriculum and technology integration specialist, central office administrator, and assistant principal. She represents Indiana for SETDA (State Educational Technology Directors Association) and is on the boards of HECC (Hoosier Educational Computer Coordinators) and ICE (Indiana Computer Educators). She has presented various workshops and sessions on “Next Practice” teaching and learning in Indiana and nationally.
Ronda Eshleman,Principal, Indiana Online Academy, Indianapolis, IN As principal of the largest online high school program in Indiana, Ronda Eshleman has a track record of leadership and results in increasing student achievement and overseeing curriculum, professional development, teacher evaluation and special programs for over 8500 students and a teaching staff of 149 teachers. Before assuming her current position, Eshleman was an assistant principal at a brick-and-mortar high school. She has also served as a teacher of business and marketing education and a marketing executive for Xerox Corporation. She has presented at a variety of conferences and held office for organizations including the Indiana Association of School Principals and the Indiana Curriculum and Instruction Association, where she serves as co-president.
Michael Gorman, Technology Innovation Specialist, Southwest Allen County Schools, IN In his job at technology innovation specialist at Woodside Middle School near Fort Wayne, Indiana. Michael Gorman oversees the Integrated Solutions Block, which serves 1050 students integrating technology with core standards. His pursuit of 21st century learning has included leading an Indiana ISTE state delegation to Capitol Hill in D.C., presenting at the Indiana State Rotunda Day for technology, and participation in efforts to initiate a PBL organization for middle schools in Indiana. Along with providing in-services for schools both in and outside of Indiana, he has presented at numerous conferences and served as PD chair for ISTE’s SIGOL and the communication chair for ICE in Indiana. Gorman maintains a blog, http://21centuryedtech.wordpress.com, along with his own 21centuryedtech wiki and also posts articles at Tech & Learning magazine and November Learning. Most of all, he continues to advocate for teachers and students while concentrating efforts at transforming education and bringing 21st century skills to every classroom.
Lucy Gray, Independent Education Consultant, Chicago, IL Lucy Gray works as an education consultant with a variety of institutions on 21st century learning initiatives, including directing the Consortium for School Networking’s Leadership for Mobile Learning initiative. Previously, she served in various capacities related to educational technology at the University of Chicago's Laboratory Schools, Urban Education Institute and Center for Elementary Mathematics and Science Education. In 2007, Gray founded the Global Education Collaborative, a network for educators interested in project-based learning, which has been expanded into the Global Education Conference. She has also been awarded the Google Certified Teacher and Apple Distinguished Educator distinctions. For further information, visit her web site at http://www.lucygrayconsulting.com.
Ben Grey, Chief Information Officer, Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123, IL As CIO for Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123, Ben Grey strives to create a modern, relevant learning environment that engages all students in the process of learning how to learn in a 21st century context. He also works to implement an integrated communications strategy that provides strong connections between staff, students, parents, and the community. Prior to taking his current position, Grey was an instructional technology coordinator for two years in Barrington, IL, and a teacher at both the elementary and middle levels for eight years. He is also a professor in the Master of Education in Literacy program at Judson University where he teaches the course, “Technology in Literacy Instruction.” He also received the 2012 Illinois Computing Educator's "Technology Administrator of the Year" award. To read more about Grey’s work, please visit either http://d123.org or http://bengrey.com/blog.
Naomi Harm, Technology Innovation Specialist and National Intel Senior Trainer, Innovative Educator Consulting, MN Naomi Harm, best known as a 21st century educational technology literacy specialist, welcomes every opportunity to share her expertise and best practices relating to technology infused teaching and learning environments. Her dynamic career focus includes many exciting and cutting edge jobs, which include: Intel National Senior Trainer, SMART certified trainer, certified online instructor, and manager of her own "Innovative Educator" consulting corporation. Harm provides customized staff development technology workshops, offers grant writing expertise, and designs and delivers online graduate course work for universities. She also delivers motivational international keynote presentations focusing on emerging technologies, 21st century skills and assessments, mobile learning technologies, and inspired and transformative educational technology leadership. Harm is truly passionate about building global relationships with educational technology leaders, while engaging in meaningful and collaborative conversations to meet the needs of today's diverse learners.
Traci House, Director of Technology, Joplin Schools, MO Traci House has been with Joplin Schools for 18 years. Prior to that she served as an IBM K-12 Education Specialist for 10 years. She graduated from Missouri State University, Springfield, Missouri, with a B.S. in Business Administration. Having presented on both the state and national level, she has most recently contributed to various print and online publications, including K-12 Computing Blueprint, Education Week's Digital Directors, and Edudemic.com
David Jakes, Instructional Technology Coordinator, Glenbrook South High School, IL David Jakes has spent 26 years in education as a teacher, staff developer, and technology coordinator. From his first Macintosh Classic to his current iPad and Chromebook, he has witnessed first-hand the changes in education that educational technology has empowered. Jakes shares this knowledge as a frequent speaker at technology conferences across the United States, and has spoken in Canada, Europe, and China. His interests in educational technology include design thinking, digital storytelling, mobile learning, and the development of spaces for learning. He currently maintains a web site (Jakesonline.org), a blog (The Strength of Weak Ties), and a variety of other resources (David Jakes Presentation Resources) dedicated to improving the use of technology in education.
Ellen Lawrence, Library Department Chair, Hinsdale South High School, IL Ellen Lawrence is a tireless advocate for 21st century learning. She began her educational career in the classroom, teaching ages ranging from early childhood to post-secondary. In her current role as library media specialist and director of the library, Lawrence shares her passion for technology integration by serving as a member of the school’s technology leadership team and the district’s professional development committee. Additionally, she has presented at local and national conferences on technology and professional development and written bulletin articles for Illinois Computing Educators. Lawrence focuses on ways to support student and teacher performance across the curriculum. Leading by example, she is a life-long learner and strives to provide meaningful professional development opportunities for her colleagues.
Klista Lawyer-Reynolds, Technology Integration Educator, Joplin Schools, MO Klista Lawyer-Reynolds is a technology integration specialist at Joplin Schools and trains teachers in the eMINTS, eTEC, and TLA programs as well as overseeing the high school 1:1 laptop program. She was a classroom teacher for six years and holds a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from Missouri Southern State University and a master's degree in Instructional Technology from Northwest Missouri and Missouri Southern State University.
Jennifer Magiera, Teacher and STEM Coach, Chicago Public Schools, IL Jennie Magiera is a 4th-5th grade math teacher and a math/technology coach in Chicago Public Schools. When she is not in the classroom, she writes curriculum, speaks at conferences and leads workshops for various organizations.In 2008, she was named a Golden Apple Teacher of Distinction and subsequently helped to co-found and run the GA Teachers for Tomorrow annual conferences. This January she was named the Chicago Public School's Tech Innovator of the Year. She is also an Apple Distinguished Educator and has been exploring best practices in technology integration as a part of this community. Magiera is currently involved in the University of Chicago Teacher Leadership Institute for Math and Science and served this summer as an Everyday Mathematics curriculum fellow.Last year, she began implementing a 1:1 iPad technology grant and she is currently overseeing an expansion of this grant to nine other classrooms in her building. You can contact Jennie atjennifermagiera@gmail.com.
Jason Markey, Assistant Principal, East Leyden High School, IL Jason Markey, who currently serves as assistant principal at East Leyden High School in Franklin Park, IL, will be assuming the job of principal at the start of the 2012-13 school year, Markey has been a leader in the infusion of technology in student learning at the classroom level as a social studies teacher for nine years and continues to push technology initiatives in his role as an instructional leader in the district. He recently helped lead a district initiative to move the Leyden School District to 1:1 with Google Chromebooks for the 2012-13 school year. Markey believes strongly in the power of the Web as a social connector and continuously looks for opportunities to learn from and collaborate with educators and thinkers through Twitter, Google Plus, blogs, and any other means available. He can be found at @jmarkeyAP on Twitter.
Maureen Chertow Miller, Learning Coordinator, Teaching, Learning and Technology, North Shore School District, IL Maureen Miller has been an educator for 19 years. She started using technology in the classroom when she was student teaching in Bloomington, Indiana, and hasn't looked back. Maureen's eyes are always future-focused.Currently a learning coordinator for Teaching, Learning and Technology with North Shore School District 112 in Highland Park, Illinois, Maureen has led initiatives for Google Apps, Web 2.0-focused professional development, interactive whiteboards and iPads. Miller’s passion for technology and her love of learning are evident to all who know her.
Stephen Moore, English Teacher, Hinsdale South High School, IL Steve Moore teaches English at Hinsdale South High School, where he also serves as an instructional technology coach. His interest in tech-integration is an outgrowth of his efforts to find sources of student engagement in inquiry-based activities. In the classroom, Moore’s students make movies, compose blogs, create animations, play learning games (online and with clickers), and employ a dizzying array of Prezi techniques. He also conducts school and district professional development as well as authoring online web-based PD opportunities through Hinsdale Academy. Recently, he was an Illinois Featured Presenter at NCTE Chicago.
Meg Ormiston, Chief Learning Officer, Tech Teachers, Inc. For over 25 years Meg Ormiston has been involved in professional development that focuses on changing instructional practice in the classroom. She marries her passion for technology with a deep curriculum background and over twelve years as a classroom teacher. Ormiston has served as a curriculum coach, school board member,keynote speaker, professional development specialist and grant facilitation specialist. She has authored five books, the most recent of which, Creating a Digital Rich Classroom, was awarded the prestigious Book of the Year award for 2010. She has also written numerous articles, collaborated on professional videos and participates in many personal learning communities.She brings all of this to each professional development session, with a dynamic presentation style and a great sense of humor.
Mikkel Storaasli, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Leyden High School District 212, IL Mikkel Storaasli began teaching mathematics at Leyden High Schools in 1996. He has also served as the mathematics department chairperson and assistant principal of East Leyden High School. He is currently the assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction for the district and is pursuing a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership from Concordia University.
Henry Thiele, Chief Technology Officer, Maine Township High School District 207, IL Henry (Hank) Thiele is currently the chief technology officer for District 207in Park Ridge, IL. Before taking on this role, he was a technology coordinator and also taught science and music at Conant High School in Hoffman Estates, IL. He earned his Doctorate from Roosevelt University in Chicago while investigating the impact online communication can have on learning. Thiele is a Google Certified Teacher, Administrator, and Trainer. He believes that personalization of instruction, assisted by technology, allows students, parents, community, and staff to improve their skills to become adaptable and productive in today's world and into the future.
Bryan Weinert, Director of Technology, Leyden Community High School District 212, IL Bryan Weinert started his career as a math teacher in 1995 at West Leyden High School and moved into his current position in 2001. He has been a technology leader and visionary for his district since starting at Leyden, including writing the grant to acquire the first dedicated T1 Internet connection for the district during his first year as a teacher. Weiner has helped the Leyden district grow and evolve in all things “tech” and is currently helping plan and prepare to move the district to a full 1:1 environment in the 2012-2013 school year when all students will be issued Google Chromebooks. He strongly believes that appropriate uses of technology can transform how teachers teach, students learn, and everyone collaborates, and can improve overall achievement. Weinert can be found on Twitter (@LeydenTechies), Google Plus (+Bryan Weinert), and maintains a blog at http://leydentechies.blogspot.com/.
Matthew Wicks,Vice President Strategy and Organizational Development, iNACOL Matthew Wicks has been involved with K-12 online learning since 1999 and currently serves as VP of strategy and organizational development for the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL). Previously, he founded Matthew Wicks & Associates, an online learning consulting firm and was a co-founder of the Illinois Virtual High School. Wicks has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Purdue University and a Master of Science in Computer Science from Northwestern University.