Program: Tech Forum West

Welcome and Opening Keynote

Cultivating a World-Class Work Ethic

Alan November

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Online Learning: Making it Work

Charles Sinicki (moderator); Themy Sparangis, Steven Glyer, David Haglund
What challenges—logistical, political and pedagogical—do districts face when implementing online learning? What does it take to be successful? Using examples from established online learning programs, presenters will illustrate the requirements for embracing a virtual school environment and discuss with the audience potential strategies and solutions.

Leadership: Managing the Transition

Alan November
Join keynoter Alan November as he outlines essential skills for leadership, and offers practical guidelines and creative solutions for building accountability into the planning process. Articulating vision and mission, managing change, and aligning technology to primary goals will be emphasized. A shift in focus from technology to the quality and application of information and communication is a critical next step.

New School Models

Ellen Towers, Michael Taft, Larry Buchanan
Whether it's called an "academy for information technology," a "new technology school," a "global technology academy" or any of a number of other names, the main idea is the same: to create technology-rich learning communities that help prepare students for their future. Come learn about several successful technology academies. You'll hear about the approach they're taking, the tools they're using and the lessons they're learning as they develop and grow.

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Ellen Towers

Larry Buchanan

Web 2.0 Best Practices

Judy Salpeter (moderator); Sara Armstrong, Conn McQuinn, Mike Lawrence
Blogs, wikis, podcasts, social networking, tools for online collaboration—the sophistication of digital technology grows by the minute and it's all too easy to get bogged down in the details or wowed by the glitz. But what are the uses that are making a difference? How are these new tools helping us to change teaching and learning and support the development of 21st century skills? Our tapped-in presenters will demonstrate some of the uses that are inspiring them and then open the floor to you: come prepared with your questions, ideas and success stories.

Mike Lawrence

Roundtable Discussions

These discussions, on topics suggested by attendees when you register, provide a great opportunity for you to network with fellow technology leaders.

New This Year: A special roundtable, with help from CETPA, TICAL and CUE, focusing on furthering communication between techies, administrators and curriculum folks.


Understanding Change, and Why it (Sometimes) Doesn't Happen

Conn McQuinn
Almost every organization and every person understands the need to change, and yet making change happen is a constant struggle that often fails. This is particularly challenging with educational technology, which exists uncomfortably at the intersection of technology and curriculum, two forces that move at radically different paces. In this practical and visionary workshop we look at the most recent research regarding the cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of change that help to explain why it's so hard, why the techniques we often use are the least effective, and what we can do to have the greatest chance for success.

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Conn McQuinn

Addressing 21st Century Skills

Sara Armstrong
We've been talking about them for years; we know what they are and why they're important. But have we made room for 21st century skills in our standards-based curricula? Are we really teaching them in our schools and districts? Using frameworks from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, the Metiri Group, and the new NETS*S standards, this workshop will examine how today's teachers can nurture these skills in real classrooms. See examples, share ones from your own schools, and define actions steps for tomorrow!

The Man Behind the Curtain

Hall Davidson
This session will walk participants through (really simple) copy-n-paste code that unlocks hidden iPod teaching modes and GoogleEarth secrets, website videos, cellphone podcasts and FUN. Simple coding is the backbone of many technologies that serve education and it need not be a mystery to you or to the teachers and students in your district. No expertise required except copying and knowing where to paste. Pull back the "code curtain" for the future wizards in your school. No Fear! Know code!

Hall Davidson

Visual Literacy: Get the Picture, Ace the Test!

Lynell Burmark
Of the 30 million PowerPoint presentations given every day, how many are a waste of time? Would you like to be the hero who shows your teachers how to develop presentations that boost test scores by 42% and learning by 89%? Come get the latest research on images and their critical role in instruction, retention, and application of content. Learn about purposeful use of color and rapid-fire introduction of color images. Enjoy replicable activities that engage both your gray cells and your laughing muscles; get an extensive handout and links to free, high-quality images; and enter a drawing to win valuable prizes.

Lynell Burmark