Program: Tech Forum Southwest

Now that the conference is over, you can use this page to access handouts and presentations posted by the speakers.

Welcome and Opening Keynote

So the World is Flat - Now What?

Wes Fryer

Web 2.0 Best Practices

David Jakes (moderator); Kari Rhame, Joel Adkins
Blogs, wikis, podcasts, Flickr, Moodle, YouTube,, Ning and other social networking sites — the list of new technologies grows by the minute and it's all too easy to get bogged down in the details or wowed by the glitz. But what are the uses that make a difference? What's the true potential of Web 2.0 in schools? Our tapped-in presenters will demonstrate some of the uses that are inspiring them and then it will be your turn. Come prepared to share examples of the most important ways emerging technologies are impacting your education community.

Web-Based Virtual Reality Can Change Education: Are You In-World?

Judy Salpeter (moderator); Meg Ormiston, Ginger Jewell
Many who've ventured into an online virtual world such as Second Life have found the experience powerful — potentially even life-changing. Others have given up after walking into too many walls or hearing nightmare stories about virtual crime. Come hear from two experienced SL users who also happen to be realists about what is and is not possible in the world of education. Do online games and virtual worlds belong in schools and, if so, what are the logistical and pedagogical issues that should be addressed to help maximize their benefit?

Ginger Jewell

Reaching All Students

Jo-Ann McDevitt (moderator); Arturo Guajardo, Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach
This presentation will highlight effective teaching practices and promising applications of digital media for Bilingual/ELL classrooms and for students in traditionally under-served or at-risk populations. Arturo Guajardo will share research results and show examples of digital media — including teacher and student created videos, audio recordings, digital photo books and Web 2. projects — for use with Bilingual/ELL students. Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach explore the importance of blending learning with digital literacy skills to ensure success for our most at-risk students. Come hear about ways of broadening your technology program's reach and effectiveness for a full range of students, including those who have the most to gain from successful implementations.

Arturo Guajardo

Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach

Empowering and Protecting Tomorrow's Digital Citizens

Miguel Guhlin, Wes Fryer
Whether we're with them or not, today's young people are venturing into the virtual world, where they face challenges of the sort we could hardly have dreamed of a few decades ago. If we ban new technologies in schools we are not protecting our students from them; we're simply asking them to venture into this new world alone. Just as adults must help young people learn to drive before setting them loose behind the wheel of a car, we have a responsibility to help our students and children learn how to safely navigate the virtual environments of the 21st Century. In this session we will explore how to be proactive rather than merely defensive, how to reassure community members without ignoring real dangers, and how to help students make the connections and participate in the collaborations that are crucial to digital citizenship today.

Industry Spotlights

Hear from the companies that are sponsoring this event and shaping the future of educational technology.

Roundtable Discussions

These discussions, on topics suggested by attendees when you register, provide a great opportunity for you to network with fellow technology leaders.

Jennifer Faulkner, facilitator

Ann Meyn and Margie Brown, facilitators


Here's your chance to explore key topics — such as digital storytelling, visual literacy, leadership skills, or grant writing — in greater depth. Look for updates on topics and speakers in the coming weeks.

21st Century Cartographers

Dave Jakes
Almost any subject can be studied within a geographical context. In this session, explore the application of Google Maps and Google Earth to student learning, and how these amazing tools can lead to engagement and achievement. Learn how to create Google Map and Earth files, and see how this process can be used to create dynamic lessons where students become 21st Century cartographers.

Virtual Communities for Professional Development and Growth

Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach
How do we promote the knowledge, skills and sense of urgency for 21st Century teaching and learning among all teachers in our schools? As the physical and virtual worlds converge to become the 'real world' of teaching and learning, virtual exchanges, online mentoring and other Web-based environments will play increasingly important roles in educational reform. The presenter will share "lessons learned" from her seven years of experience in designing and leading virtual communities of practice.

Technology Across the Curriculum

Meg Ormiston
Today's powerful technologies — including streaming video, virtual fieldtrips, 3-D modeling and virtual reality games — allow us to teach for engagement and deeper understanding. Join Meg Ormiston for this whirlwind tour of technology tools and approaches that will help teachers in your schools differentiate instruction and more effectively teach everything from science to writing, geography to math.