Program: Tech Forum New York 2011

7:00 am - 8:15 am
Registration and Breakfast
8:15 am - 9:30 am
Welcome and Opening Keynote
Transformational Learning for the new Millennium
Punya Mishra
Technology is playing an increasing important role in education, offering the potential to fundamentally transform the practice and process of teaching and learning. This rapid evolution, however, challenges us to move beyond notions of just integrating technology to an understanding of the complex issues teachers face as they design effective transformative learning experiences that exploit the possibilities provided by these technologies. Dr. Mishra will discuss how technologies (both analog and digital) need to be creatively repurposed by educators in order to develop a trans-disciplinary curriculum essential for success in the new millennium.
- Presentation (hyperlink)
9:30 am - 9:45 am
Tech & Learning Newsletter
Tools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.
Refreshment and Networking Break
9:45 am - 11:00 am
Morning Breakout Sessions
Geared especially to administrators, IT leaders, mentor teachers and other ed tech visionaries, these concurrent sessions feature widely-acclaimed and respected speakers covering the hottest topics.
Evolving Models of One-to-One
Kevin Hogan (moderator), Lorraine Brooks and Marianthe Williams, Kevin McCormack, and Rob Miller
From laptops to iPads to BYO devices, the options for placing digital technology in students’ hands for 24-hour access have multiplied over the years. Who's embracing one-to-one and what implementation and hardware choices are they making as they try to balance the need for 21st century learning environments with network and security constraints and the realities of economic belt tightening? Hear from three schools/districts that are leading the way.
- Lorraine Brooks & Marianthe Williams: Presentation (PDF)
- Rob Miller: Presentation(Google doc)
- Kevin McCormack
- Presentation Link(hyperlink)
- Resource Link(hyperlink)
Creating the Classrooms Our Students Need
Susan Luft, Brian Mannix and Diana Laufenberg
Today's educational landscape is one in which kids no longer have to come to school to ‘get’ the information. How do we create classrooms where students delight in learning? Where they are empowered as active participants in the creation of their own understanding? Where modern technologies and collaborative experiences connect them to the world and enable learning that is meaningful and real? We've invited two great teachers to share examples of activities and approaches that are transforming their own classrooms and to engage you in a conversation about the keys to empowering and inspiring 21st century students.
- Presentation (hyperlink)
Leading with Technology
Rob Mancabelli and Eric Sheninger
As we move deeper into the 21st century the educational landscape is constantly evolving. Educational leaders need to be change agents and actively seek innovative ways to embrace a plethora of opportunities that the digital age presents. They need to “walk the walk” by using social media and other technologies to make connections, collaborate with stakeholders, build their own professional networks, and change the culture of schools. Specific examples and strategies will be shared as we explore the power of connections to transform education.
Educational Uses of Cell Phones
Gwen Solomon (moderator), Lisa Nielsen and Harry Tuttle
Do cells belong in the classroom? Absolutely! Join us to learn about educational uses of mobile devices ranging from the most basic text-enabled models to smart phones supporting the latest apps. Lisa Nielsen and Willyn Webb will show how any cell phone can be transformed into a powerful learning device with help from research-based instructional strategies. Harry Tuttle will share several of the most powerful apps that allow students and teachers to turn their smart phones into smart (and highly educational) assistants. You will come away from this session with oodles of ideas for harnessing the power of cells for teaching and learning.
- Lisa Nielsen: Presentation (hyperlink)
- Harry Tuttle: Presentation (hyperlink) or scan the code to access:
11:00 am - 11:15 am
Refreshment and Networking Break
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Industry Spotlights
Hear from the companies that are sponsoring this event and shaping the future of educational technology.
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Lunch and Dessert Reception
1:20 pm - 2:10 pm
Roundtable Discussions
These discussions, on topics suggested by attendees when you register, provide a great opportunity for you to network with fellow technology leaders.
- Special Exchange: Everything Google(David Andrade)
- STEM and the Digital Learner (Diane Tung)
- BYO and Digital Citizenship (Nancy Caramanico)
- iPads in the Classroom (Ronna Van Veghel and Meryl Menon)
- Transformational Learning: Continue the Conversation with Dr. Punya Mishra
- Twitter in Education – 101 Uses (Lisa Nielsen)
- How do we Assess the Effectiveness of Technology in the Classroom? (Rick Cave and Robin Newman)
- Learning with Cloud Computing (Dr. Christine Coleman)
- Data-driven Decision Making (Salvador Contes)
- Parent Portals and Other Technology-Supported Home-School Communication (Ron Velez)
- Technology and Special Education (Debra Patsel)
- Student Videos in the Classroom (Beth Richards and Carolyn Semet)
- Developing Student Community with Digital Tools (Larissa Pahomov)
- Technology & 21st Century Skill Building (Samantha Brody and Mike Capobianco)
- Online and Blended Learning (Maxine Fisher)
- The School Leader’s Role in Supporting Innovation, Reframing Organizations and Teacher Leadership (Jacek Polubiec)
- BYO: How and Why – or Why Not? (Kathy Tsamasiros, Amy Perry-Delcorvo)
- Handout
- Presentation
- Handout
- Handout
- Handout
2:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Geared especially to administrators, IT leaders, mentor teachers and other ed tech visionaries, these concurrent sessions feature widely-acclaimed and respected speakers covering the hottest topics.
Technology-Based Assessment
Christine Weiser (moderator), Harry Tuttle, Pat Kimmerling and Vivian Birdsall
This breakout focuses on the use of technology-based tools to support formative assessment and differentiated learning. Many technology tools – from handheld responders to Google apps to subscription-based services – can be used to check for understanding, provide feedback, and document student success.Learn how to use the technology already at your disposal to monitor student progress, inform instruction and actively engage students in the assessment process.
- Harry Tuttle: Presentation (hyperlink) or scan the code to access
- Pat Kimmerling & Vivian Birdsall: Presentation (PDF)
Web Tools that Rock the Classroom!
Adam Bellow and Lisa Thumann
Looking for the latest and greatest Web 2.0 tools for use in the classroom? Eager to share examples of what's working in your own schools? We'll be demonstrating tools for creating, collaborating and communicating and asking you to share your favorites as well. You’ll leave this session with an array of awesome new tools and ideas on how to use them to engage and captivate users of all ages.
- Adam Bellow: Resource Link (hyperlink)
- Lisa Thumann: Presentation (Google doc)
Running an Effective Technology Program in Tough Economic Times
Jerry Crisci and Rob Mancabelli
As schools weather the financial crisis, technology programs will not survive unless ed tech leaders can convince community members and other stakeholders about the importance of technology funding – and the ways in which technology-based savings can offset investments. This session will cover effective PR strategies for promoting your 21st century initiatives as well as technology resources and uses that can actually save your district money.
- Presentation (PDF)
Keys to Effective Online Learning
Ellen Ullman (moderator), Maria Narciso, Cathy Swan and Michelle Luhtala
What constitutes a quality online course for students or teachers? How does an instructor transfer the instructional skills from the traditional classroom setting to a hybrid or fully online course? What technology tools and instructional design elements are key to effective online learning and community building? This session, by experienced practitioners from two districts, will address these questions and more, with examples drawn from online professional development courses and K-12 classes.
- Maria Narciso:
- Cathy Swan: Presentation (Google doc)
- Michelle Luhtala: Presentation (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF)
- Transitioning to an Online Learning Environment (PDF)
3:30 pm - 4:15 pm
Sponsor-Hosted Reception
Join the party! Unwind and network with colleagues and industry partners.