Program: Tech Forum Chicago 2014

7:00 am - 8:15 am
Registration and Breakfast
8:15 am - 9:30 am
Welcome and Opening Keynote
Cultivating Curiosity in the 21st Century
Ramsey Musallam
As Sir Ken Robinson states: "Curiosity is the engine of achievement". Using examples from the classroom, student stories, the research, society and popular culture, this keynote will explore curiosity as a cognitive construct, pedagogical tool, and perhaps the most essential, transcendent and dissonant emotion a student will experience.
Tech & Learning Newsletter
Tools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.
- View the keynote presentation here (courtesy of Swivl)
- Link to Presentation
9:30 am - 9:45 am
Refreshment and Networking Break
9:45 am - 11:00 am
Morning Breakout Sessions
Geared especially to administrators, IT leaders, mentor teachers and other ed tech visionaries, these concurrent sessions feature widely-acclaimed and respected speakers covering the hottest topics.
1:1 and BYO Districts Tell Their Stories
Stephanie Cardella and Jennifer Ferrari; Stacey Gonzales; Theresa Dunkin and Tom Donovan; and Mike Watson
As schools and districts implement 1:1 and BYOD programs they learn a great deal about the most effective approaches to teaching and learning. In this session, several district leaders will talk about their funding and evaluation models, how and why they chose the devices they are using for 1:1, and the role that BYO does or does not play in their initiatives. Come hear about their challenges, successes, and lessons learned.
- Stephanie Cardella and Jennifer Ferrari's resources
- Tom Donovan and Theresa Dunkin's resources
- Mike Watson's resources
- District 102 Personal Technology Initiative
- Personal Technology Initiative Update
- Intiative website
Google Apps for Education: Next Steps
Hank Thiele with Allison Gest, Kim Jablonski and Greg Reuhs
If you’ve adopted, or are considering adopting, Google Apps for Education you’ll have a variety of new tools available to you for both instructional and administrative uses. This session focuses on demonstrating the ways in which teachers and administrators are using tools including Google Drive, Google Forms, YouTube, Google Sites and Google Scripts to manage information, build portals, organize classes and professional development, connect with community members, and more.
- Link to Presentation
Putting SAMR and TPACK into Practice
Josh Mika, R.J. Gravel and Shannon Soger
In this dynamic session, you will learn how school leaders have utilized the SAMR and TPACK models to take technology integration to the next level in an effort to improve student learning. We will share how schools throughout Illinois have transitioned stand and deliver classrooms, to student-centered learning laboratories by providing access to technology tools and resources, and professional development to support teachers with a wide range of experience levels. You will walk away with a collection of implementation examples, resources, and contacts that you can use immediately to start moving your teachers from integration to innovation!
Students as Multimedia Creators and Authors
Mickey Chavannes and Sue Gorman
We all utilize the Internet for consumption, but a far more powerful use of it in an education setting is as a creation tool. This session will take a look at YouTube, Doceri, Google hangouts, EdPuzzle, EduCanon, iTunes, iTunesU, and similar tools for showcasing student work that demonstrates their understanding. Learn how to use these tools to allow students to take control of their own learning and demonstrate their own knowledge.
11:00 am - 11:15 am
Refreshment and Networking Break
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Industry Spotlights & Demos
Hear from the companies that are sponsoring this event and shaping the future of educational technology.
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Lunch and Dessert Reception
1:20 pm - 2:20 pm
Roundtable Discussions & Idea Exchanges
These discussions, on topics suggested by attendees when you register, provide a great opportunity for you to network with fellow technology leaders.
- The Ins and Outs of Building a Digital Curriculum with Free and Open Resources
- The Library Media Center: Evolving Spaces, Evolving Roles
- Getting ready for PARCC
- Link to Presentation
- Link to Presentation
For a complete list of roundtable discussions, please click here.
Notes from the Twitter and Social Media discussion
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Geared especially to administrators, IT leaders, mentor teachers and other ed tech visionaries, these concurrent sessions feature widely-acclaimed and respected speakers covering the hottest topics.
Formative Assessment and Personalized Learning
Ramsey Musallam (moderator); Brian Gervase, Bob Schuetz and Maureen Chertow Miller
This session will focus on the many different ways that schools and teachers can leverage information and technology to personalize learning for students. Topics will include formative assessment, blogging, digital portfolios, student journaling, “life-wide” learning, using forms for homegrown assessment, and other approaches to assessing and responding to student needs.
The Other Two Letters in STEM: Technology and Engineering’s Role in Today’s Classrooms
Charlene Chausis, Vinnie Vrotny and Patricia Haughney
When we talk about STEM education, the emphasis is often on math and science. But what about the creative learning that takes place when students are encouraged to use technology and engineering tools and skills to become real-world problem solvers and inventors? What are we doing to inspire all students – girls as well as boys – to develop their computing and engineering skills? Come learn how the Maker Movement, student coding experiences, game design, robotics, and other high tech explorations are converging to transform student learning.
Communicating with Your Community
Hank Thiele, Pete Helfers and James Gubbins
This session will examine strategies for communicating with the school community – including, parents, students, community members, and professional learning networks – to address concerns and celebrate successes. Ideas will be shared for using a variety of media to communicate and share.
Re-envisioning Learning Spaces
David Jakes (moderator); Ryan Bretag, Cynthia Jaskowiak and Mark Onuscheck
It’s not hard to recognize the typical classroom. Rows of desks. Textbooks and notebooks. A teacher at the front of the class ... It hasn’t changed much in decades. Join David Jakes and a team of practitioners to re-envision what classrooms and schools might look like and explore how we can create exciting and transformative learning spaces, free from the constraints of time, space and place.
3:45 pm - 4:30 pm
Sponsor-Hosted Reception
Join the party! Unwind and network with colleagues and industry partners.