Program: Tech Forum Chicago 2011

Read Tech & Learning Managing Editor Christine Weiser's report on the conference
8:00 am - 9:30 am
Welcome and Opening Keynote
Leading Schools with Digital Vision in a Bubblesheet World
Wesley Fryer
Much of the world has gone digital, and so must learning at school. Creativity is vital, and good leadership matters. Stagnant, accommodation-level technology integration makes technology investments in our schools a waste of money. School leaders can and should encourage teachers to use digital learning tools in transformative ways to open new doors of opportunity. Without creation, there can be no creativity. How will you let your students create? How will you give students choices? How will your students teach the curriculum? These are essential questions to ask together with teachers, as we seek to effectively (and legally) "talk with media/pictures" and leverage the constructive power of digital media tools for learning inside and outside the classroom.
- Access Wes Fryer's Wiki (hyperlink)
9:45 am - 11:00 am
Morning Breakout Sessions
Geared especially to administrators, IT leaders, mentor teachers and other ed tech visionaries, these concurrent sessions feature widely-acclaimed and respected speakers covering the hottest topics.
Bringing the Community into the Classroom
Wes Fryer and Ben Grey
Tech & Learning Newsletter
Tools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.
Sharing is a moral imperative for educators. In this session, we'll explore ways in which forward-thinking schools are using digital platforms and Web 2.0 tools to share information and ideas with parents and community members. From classroom learning hubs that allow parents to tune into "digitally powered show and tell" to integrated communications plans that use social media, eNewsletters, and Google Docs to get the community more involved, we will look at ways of providing rich windows into our schools as learning environments.
- Access Ben Grey's presentation (slideshow)
21st Century ePortolios and Authentic Assessment
Naomi Harm and Scott Floyd
The ePortfolio has emerged as an innovative visual showcase and evidenced-based solution to document student academic growth. ePortfolios are both a viable tool for formal and informal assessment across all disciplines and a means of sharing student work with a broad and global audience. During this workshop we will explore, discuss, and collaborate on the many types and uses of eportfolios in K-12 education, while showcasing a variety of 21st century skills-aligned social media assessments to guide student creation efforts and your ePortfolio implementation plan.
Mobilizing Learning with iPods, iPhones and iPads
Scott Meech, Lucy Gray and Carolyn Skibba
Can this new generation of mobile devices transform learning and enable one-to-one? We will take a close look at some of the best “i-device” apps having an impact in the classroom; share examples of uses from elementary through high school; explore techniques for managing mobile learning; and discuss policy implications for administrators. Bring your own device if you have one and come prepared to share.
Habits and Habitats: Learning Spaces for the 21st Century
David Jakes and Ryan Bretag
Emerging technologies are shaping all facets of education, but how are our spaces being designed to maximize teaching and learning? This presentation leads participants through the world of physical and digital space design for 21st Century learning and teaching. Through personal experiences and case studies, you'll leave with visionary concepts, practical ideas, and key themes for shifting a critical but often forgotten piece to the learning environment puzzle.
1:20 pm - 2:00 pm
Roundtable Discussions
These discussions, on topics suggested by attendees when you register, provide a great opportunity for you to network with fellow technology leaders
- Web 2.0 Tools for Learning (Pennington) (hyperlink)
- Using Video Effectively in the Classroom (Okazaki and Schmitz) (hyperlink)
- Student Showcase (facilitated by Joe Brennan)
- First graders: "Our First Podcast" (YouTube)
- First graders: "Rethinking Reading" (YouTube)
- Video #1 of IMSA students robot demo (YouTube)
- Video #2 of IMSA students robot demo (YouTube)
2:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Geared especially to administrators, IT leaders, mentor teachers and other ed tech visionaries, these concurrent sessions feature widely-acclaimed and respected speakers covering the hottest topics.
Social Media and Student Devices: Developing Guidelines
David Jakes(moderator); Ryan Bretag, Scott Floyd, Ben Grey and Hank Thiele
Social media tools, along with handheld technologies such as smartphones and tablets, continue to push educational practice and how schools operate in a 24-7, always-on, connected digital environment. Effectively positioning your school to utilize social media and leverage student-owned technology requires a thorough understanding of the policy, guidelines, and recommendations that support such use. Join a panel of experienced administrators for a lively discussion of the questions surrounding the development and deployment of frameworks to support the effective school use of disruptive technologies.
- Access this presentation (hyperlink)
New Frontiers in Online Learning
Jeffrey Hunt and Phil Lacey
Online learning is gaining popularity across the country, from K-12 to higher education and beyond. School districts interested in online programs should consider many aspects of this new wave of teaching and learning. This session will examine administrative, curricular, learning, and technology issues that a school district should address when implementing an online initiative.
Flipping the Classroom
Scott Meech and Dan Rezac
Technology is finally at a point that allows us to inexpensively and effectively transform classroom experience and the role of the teacher. We will talk about several initiatives that build on Jonathan Bergmann's and Aaron Sams' concept of "flipping" the classroom -- in which lessons are delivered via teacher-made videos, freeing instructors to work more closely with students on hands-on activities and individual needs. We will share examples, offer tips and tricks for building effective lessons, and discuss how to organize these materials to provide the biggest impact on students and on education as a whole.
Building Collaborative Learning Environments
Jon Orech, Jim Gerry and students from IMSA
Tools that facilitate collaborative online learning are generating a lot of excitement on the part of teachers and students. But it is not enough to assume that "If You Build it, They Will Come." Using examples of real projects – from literary wikis to student-created digital textbooks to global science collaborations – we will examine the keys to fostering collaborative and authentic learning.
- Access Jon Orech's presentation (hyperlink)
- Access Jim Gerry's presentation (hyperlink)