Program: Tech Forum Atlanta 2013

Download the Agenda
Download the Roundtables Handout
7:00 am - 8:15 am
Registration and Breakfast
8:15 am - 9:30 am
Welcome and Opening Keynote
Realizing the Potential of the Classroom: Teaching and Learning with Modern Tools
Diana Laufenberg
Tech & Learning Newsletter
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In the age of information surplus, our schools hold immense potential for authentic and experience based learning. Technology offers the means by which to elevate the quality, relevance and creativity of student work. Never have educators and administrators had such opportunities to think creatively about their practice and play such an integral role in visioning that new approach. In order to demystify some of that process, practical classroom examples of activities and assessments will be highlighted and the systems and structures that support that type of learning environment will be shared.
9:30 am - 9:45 am
Refreshment and Networking Break
9:45 am - 11:00 am
Morning Breakout Sessions
Geared especially to administrators, IT leaders, mentor teachers and other ed tech visionaries, these concurrent sessions feature widely-acclaimed and respected speakers covering the hottest topics.
BYO: Goals, Policies, and Logistics
Frances Bradburn (moderator); Debbie Childress, Curt Cearley, Jeff White
Whether you call it BYOT, BYOD, or student-owned technology, allowing young people to bring their own laptops and mobile devices to school with them is gaining popularity at a rapid rate. We’ve asked three different districts to talk about their BYO programs, explaining how and why they’ve chosen this course and responding to a series of questions concerning equity, policy-setting and technical challenges.
- Curt Crealey's presentation
- Resources from Debbie Childress:
- Resources from Jeff White:
- Presentation
- CCSD BYLD Documentation
- Suggested Activities for use in the BYLD Classroom
- Suggested Parent Letter for BYLD
- Presentation
- BYOT1 - Key Components
- BYOT2 - SFHS - BYOT Contract
- BYOT3 - Devices Up-Down
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Changing the Learning Model Through Blended and Flipped Classrooms
David Jakes (moderator); Kecia Ray, Dan Gagnon, Kate Matthews
Flipped and blended learning are major buzzwords in education today. You know about them; you might even be implementing them; but why are you doing it?The panelists for this session will take us on a “guided tour “of classrooms where new, technology-supported learning models are transforming the role of students and teachers and extending the classroom in ways never before possible.
- Presentation by Kate Matthews, Jeff Eller and Robin Schirmer
- Dan Gagnon's presentation #1
- Dan Gagnon's presentation #2
Evaluating and Improving your Technology Initiatives
Len Scrogan
Come learn about a simple and doable framework for evaluating the effectiveness of existing projects; shaping the goals and outcomes of a planned project; or improving your professional development and outcomes. This workshop, which features paired and small group discussion, applies to those thoughtful technology leaders interested in maximizing the effectiveness of their existing or planned initiatives.
App-tivities Across the Curriculum
Lisa Johnson, Amy Pruitt, William Mansfield
Join us for a look at great educational apps and learning activities for mobile devices in the classroom. Our presenters will share exciting iLessons that engage elementary, middle and high school students and inspire them to succeed.
- Resources from Amy Pruitt:
- Lisa Johnson's presentation
- Presentation
- Amy Pruitt's Web Page
11:00 am - 11:15 am
Refreshment and Networking Break
11:15 am - 12:00 pm
Industry Spotlights
Hear from the companies that are sponsoring this event and shaping the future of educational technology.
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Lunch and Dessert Reception
1:05 pm - 2:00 pm
Roundtable Discussions & Mini-Workshops
During this time block you will be able to choose between roundtable discussions, mini-workshops and a Livestreamed idea exchange.
- That’s my App (Adam Phyall)
In this workshop you will create a Mobile App and walk out with the skills to have students creating their own apps in no time. You will also have the opportunity to see how teachers in Newton County Schools are using Mobile Apps to engage students. - Policy Setting (Christopher Wells)
How do we educate students and staff members about responsible technology use? How policies are needed to positively impact teaching and learning? How do we prepare every level in the school district to adopt emerging technology? These are some of the policy concerns that Christopher Wells will help you address in this participatory workshop. - 8 Powerful Ways to Use a Document Camera (Len Scrogan)
This mini-workshop will show you a number of integration ideas for the use of a document camera (or “Donkey Cam” as some students lovingly call it). The author of "Digital Shapeshifter" will reveal practical ways to assess, teach, and creatively use this inexpensive but powerful device. - Digital Storytelling (William Mansfield and Arvin Ross)
This workshop focuses on the technical skills and creative styles that enable students and teachers to become skilled digital storytellers who can captivate any audience. See examples of digital stories and learn new, exciting ways of weaving a story that will enchant young audiences. - Adam Phyall's presentation
- Christopher Wells's presentation
- Len Scrogan's presentation
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Planning or implementing a 1:1 and/or BYO initiative? Come share your stories, questions and tips during this special Livestreamed idea exchange moderated by David Jakes.
Topics will include:
- Open Resources as an Alternative to Textbooks
- Successful Approaches to Professional Development
- The Impact of Technology on Students’ Social/Emotional Health
- Facilitating Change: Getting the School Community on Board
- Gaming in Education
- Creative/Educational Uses of Interactive White Boards
- Using Mobile Devices to Improve Education
2:00 pm - 2:15 pm
Refreshment and Networking Break
2:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Geared especially to administrators, IT leaders, mentor teachers and other ed tech visionaries, these concurrent sessions feature widely-acclaimed and respected speakers covering the hottest topics.
Problem Solving with Design Thinking
David Jakes and Mary Cantwell
Join us for a conversation about design thinking, a holistic approach to problem-solving. Participants will form teams and use design thinking to address a contemporary issue surrounding education, develop a prototype solution, and share and receive feedback. With help from real-world examples, we will also explore design thinking as 21st Century pedagogy -- an approach that deeply engages students in developing solutions to local and global issues as well as everyday school life.
Emerging Technologies: A Hands-on Introduction
Max Monroe, Len Scrogan and Jessica Pater
Interested in 3D technologies, augmented reality, and powerful new tools for STEM exploration? Participants in this workshop will have the chance to try out some of these new technologies and consider, together, the ways in which they might be used with students in a classroom setting. Come explore what’s possible.
- 3D Resources from Len Scrogan
- Resources from Max Monroe:
- Reality Handout #1
- Reality Handout #2
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Great Productivity Tools for Schools
Hoke Wilcox (moderator); Arvin Ross, Lisa Johnson, David Lockhart
This fast-paced “smackdown” will focus on note-taking, research and information management tools for students and educators. Learn about some great apps and Web-based tools for taking class notes, creating assessments and classroom materials, and much more. Our panelists will share their favorites and then it’s your turn to weigh in on the tools that are helping administrators, teachers, and students in your schools get organized.
3:30 pm - 4:15 pm
Sponsor-Hosted Reception
Join the party! Unwind and network with colleagues and industry partners.