SETDA Launches New Resource to Support K12 Interoperability

SETDA today announced the release of a new report: State Education Leadership for Interoperability: Leveraging Data for Academic Excellence. This report examines the current data interoperability efforts in nine states: Delaware, Georgia, Michigan, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oregon, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. This report includes a set of use cases demonstrating how interoperability helps states and districts achieve student learning goals, as well as recommendations for states as they continue their work in this area.
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The State Education Leadership for Interoperability report also provides background information and challenges that states face during implementation, as well as an appendix that includes non-profit organizations supporting interoperability efforts, organizations developing common data standards, state drivers for interoperability, and state academic and interoperability goals. SETDA offers recommendations for states to consider regarding interoperability:
- Leverage ESSA
- Establish Data Governance Structure
- Develop a Flexible Implementation Plan
- Share Best Practices
- Encourage Stakeholder Buy-In
- Collaborate with Districts
- Communicate with Vendors
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