The Virtual High School Launches Spring 2016 Judaic Studies Courses

The Virtual High School (VHS, Inc.) today announced the spring 2016 course schedule for its Online Judaic Studies Consortium (OJSC). Registration begins November 4th, for the spring semester, which starts on January 27th.
The OJSC spring 2016 Judaic Studies course catalog includes the following:
Pairs in TaNaKh
Topics covered include leadership, parent-child relationships and making covenants. Students will carefully study texts and develop critical thinking and self-reflection skills as they connect sources from the TaNaKh about human nature to their own lives.
This course will serve as an introduction to rabbinic literature, specifically the teachings of the sages as found in the Mishna, the first major written compilation of Jewish oral traditions and the first major work of Rabbinic Judaism.
Religious Zionism in the 21st Century
Students will study the teachings of Chazal from Talmud and Rishonim through modern-day thinkers like Rav Kook, Rav Lichtenstein and Rav Soloveitchik.
History Makers of Israel
This course will explore the backgrounds and contributions of some of the dreamers, founders and pioneers who played a major role in the creation of the Israel we know today.
Digital Citizenship and Jewish Values
OJSC program director, Lisa Micley, and VHS site coordinator and instructor, Joyce Wheeler, will help students consider what it means to be a good digital citizen and to explore the intersection between modern technology, Jewish texts and Jewish values.
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To enroll or learn more about the OJSC, visit