McGraw-Hill Education’s Acuity Launches Adaptive Assessment Solution

McGraw-Hill Education today launched a new computer adaptive test (CAT) for Acuity®, a K-12 interim assessment solution available in Math and English Language Arts. The new adaptive methodology, called ShadowCAT™, uses a shadow-test algorithm to ensure that all test requirements are met while maximizing the information obtained from each test taker to provide a valid, precise score for every student.

During an adaptive testing experience in Acuity, the ShadowCAT algorithm:

· Creates a complete test form after each response to a question.

· Presents a student with the next, single optimal test question selected from the form (the remainder of the form is not seen by the student, hence the name shadow test).

· Creates a new complete test as soon as the student answers the optimal question

· Repeats this process until all test requirements have been fulfilled.

· Avoids selecting test questions that lead to future violations of any test requirement.

For more information about the Acuity College and Career Readiness adaptive assessment solution for Grades 3-8, visit: