New Curriculum Products Provide Academic Goals and Assessments for Students with Special Needs

Mayer-Johnson introduces Boardmaker Instructional Solutions (BIS) during the 2015 ATIA Conference in Orlando, Florida. Available for use by educators, therapists, and parents, BIS are programs designed to offer research-based instruction for students with special needs.

The new solutions are delivered through the educators’ Boardmaker Online subscription. Initial offerings include:

Boardmaker Current Events: a weekly news-based educational program that provides instruction in English language arts (ELA) and math that is fully accessible.
Boardmaker Expedition Education: a year-long academic curriculum that provides students with special needs in grades three and above with the tools to become readers, writers and thinkers.
Boardmaker Book Bridge: a curriculum to helps students with special needs meet the modern academic standards for reading, writing and vocabulary development through grade-level literature.

To learn more about BIS, visit ATIA booth #319 and #423, or visit to see videos, view lesson plans, and play sample activities.