T&L Announces Contest for California Schools

Are your students doing amazing projects? Looking for ways to tell their stories? Enter the contest: What's Your Best EdTech Project? to win the chance to be showcased at Tech & Learning Live in Long Beach on January 30th (Up to three students and one teacher or chaperone from each winning team will earn free admission, meals and recognition at this one day conference, taking place on the Queen Mary.)
What You Do:
1. Tell us about your project.
2. Tell us what makes it so awesome.
3. What tools are you using (apps, devices, websites, etc)?
4. Show us your work. Upload your videos, photos, links, etc here.
5. Tell your friends! Share this link with other schools looking to share their stories.
Projects might include:
A video game your students created
A robot that solved an environmental issue
A commercial showing the classroom of the future
A newscast about a futuristic school
A public service project that had an impact on your community
A panel of judges will select one winner from each category: Grades K-3: one for Grades 4-8; and one for Grades 9-12
Who Can Apply:
Applicants must be a full-time student or teacher at a California K-12 school. This includes teachers and students at online institutions, virtual schools, home schools, charter schools, and private academies. Students and teachers must agree to a public release of their project materials to Tech Learning for judging, marketing and media exposure.
Prizes: Three winning teams will be selected (one for Grades K-3; one for Grades 4-8; and one for Grades 9-12) Winning students get passes to Tech&Learning Live @California on Friday, January 30, the opportunity to present their work at the event, and coverage in Tech & Learning Magazine
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Note: prize includes admission, as well as breakfast, lunch and snacks, for up to three students and one adult. Travel and lodging not included.
Deadline: December 12, 2014