Error Correction for Any Writer

Ginger Software, Inc.announces the availability of Ginger, a software program offering context-based error correction for writers of all ages. Ginger uses patent-pending technology to automatically correct misused words, grammar and spelling mistakes in Microsoft Word and Outlook.

The program corrects multiple mistakes within a sentence simultaneously. When the context is ambiguous, it provides selected alternatives, each paired with a sample expression so the user can consider the differences and make an informed choice. In addition, Ginger analyzes the context of each sentence to remedy mistakes, including correctly spelled words that are used improperly.

Ginger Premium offers the same features as Ginger, plus text-to-speech and progress reporting. Text-to-speech enables users to hear sentences before and after correction, as well as alternative corrections and their definitions. Each word is highlighted as spoken, and personal settings allow students to change the speed, volume and voice used. Reports contain statistical analysis of the most frequent errors, and list mistakes by type, including faulty spelling, misused words or grammar errors, as well as words that are repeatedly misspelled. Through the reports, teachers can identify student needs, track their progress, and evaluate instruction methods.

Ginger and Ginger Premium run within Microsoft Word and Outlook for Windows, and require an Internet connection. The programs are compatible with Microsoft Word 2003 and 2007 running under Microsoft Windows. In the near future, the company will release versions that support writing in many more applications, including Internet Explorer.

To download a free trial of Ginger or Ginger Premium, visit