Stem Cell Biology, Global Warming, and other hot topics at 2009 NSTA conference

Internationally renowned scientist authors Ken Miller and Joe Levine will present innovative strategies for engaging students in learning biology at the 2009 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference this week in New Orleans. Authors of Pearson’s bestselling high school biology program, “Miller & Levine Biology,” these expert scientists will
address a wide range of topics – from the relationship between ecology and infectious diseases to stem cell biology to how to help students understand the science behind global warming.
Rob Nelson, the scientist who leads the Untamed Science team that
produced the real-life, video biology adventures that are part of the
program’s digital path, will also present a special session guiding
teachers so they can turn their own students into “Untamed
Scientists” by integrating video adventures and experiments into
their biology classrooms.
Launched late last year, the new “Miller & Levine Biology” takes a
bold approach to science instruction, combining the power of new
technology with a proven foundation of academic success. Through the
program’s new digital center,, students meet Nelson and
his team of Untamed Scientists. Described by Levine as “science
reality TV,” “Untamed Science” offers the perfect blend of energy,
enthusiasm and solid scientific knowledge. The program’s dynamic
digital path also offers students and teachers a wealth of other
engaging activities and information, including complete online
student and teacher editions of the textbooks, editable worksheets,
interactive study guides, fun science games and online assessments.
The topics and instructional strategies presented by Miller, Levine
and Nelson at the conference support the new program’s approach of
infusing curriculum topics with real-world relevance for students.
More details about the thought-provoking presentations follow:
§ Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease – Joe Levine
Thursday, March 19 – 9:30-11 a.m. – Workshop Room 221
Bird flu, Mad Cow and West Nile appear out of nowhere, demonstrating
that relationships between hosts and pathogens are dynamic and
changing – driven by ecological and co-evolutionary forces. Grab
students’ attention and demonstrate the value of evolutionary and
ecological concepts with stories of ongoing research in this
thrilling field.
§ Understanding and Teaching the Science of Climate Change –
Joe Levine
Thursday, March 19 – 1:30-3 p.m. – Workshop Room 221
Global warming is an important, interdisciplinary topic, which blends
ecology and earth science. Because of this complexity, global warming
and its effects are poorly understood by the public and mass media,
and subject to politicization. This talk presents a strategy to help
students understand the rigorous science behind the headlines.
§ Meet the Untamed Science Crew and Put Your Own Video Camera
to Work in Your Science Classroom
Thursday, March 19 – 1:30-3 p.m. – Workshop Room 220
Join the Untamed Science crew as they discuss how the video
revolution is motivating today’s science students. Rob Nelson and his
ecogeek colleagues will demonstrate how teachers and students can
successfully make their own science videos. They’ll also invite
teachers with video experience to join the Untamed Science crew.
§ Explore the Next Generation of Instructional Technology on – Susan Cory
Thursday, March 19 – 3:30-5 p.m. – Workshop Room 221
Join Pearson presenter Susan Cory as she explores the dynamic digital
path of the “Miller & Levine Biology” collection –
§ Stem Cell Biology – What’s Really Happening and How Do We
Teach It? – Ken Miller
Saturday, March 21 – 9 a.m.-noon – Workshop Room 220
Rapid advances in stem cell research are changing both the scientific
and the political climate surrounding this work. Miller will focus on
ways that new developments in stem cell research may be brought into
the biology classroom, as well as how teachers can deal with
potential controversy.
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The authors will also be signing copies of their new biology program
in Pearson booth #110. Joe Levine will be available from 11:15 a.m.-
noon; 3:15-3:45 p.m. and 4-4:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 19. Ken
Miller will be in the booth on Saturday, March 21, from 9:45-10:30
a.m. and 1:45-2:30 p.m.
For more information about “Miller & Levine Biology,” go to or follow “UntamedScience” or “MillerandLevine” on