Nonprofits Announce Partnership and Grants To Accelerate STEM Learning

Nonprofits Announce Partnership and Grants To Accelerate STEM Learning

A consortium of organizations in Denver and Boston have announced a new partnership between mindSpark Learning and FableVision Learning to support earlier access to quality STEM education.

The Fab@School Match Grant program is designed to accelerate STEM education in schools and libraries across the country by combining professional development and teacher support with a research-based digital design and fabrication software platform called Fab@School Maker Studio. Developed through the Reynolds Center with software designer Dr. Healy Stearns, Fab@School employs affordable fabrication hardware, which uses inexpensive materials such as paper and cardstock.

The grant provides a match of $1,750 per school to bring Fab@School STEM program to classrooms around the nation, supplying each site with -

  • A year-long school site license for Fab@School Maker Studio web-based, digital fabrication software program — compatible with Mac, Windows, iPad, Chromebooks, and other mobile devices
  • Digital fabricators
  • Virtual professional development — overview of the software tools, as well as support for curriculum integration
  • Significantly discounted annual software license renewals

Interested schools and districts are invited to learn more about the grant details, and apply for the grant by at