Today's Newsletter: The Best of Weekend Edtech Reading

Now that Betsy DeVos has officially taken over as head of the DOE, focus in the blogosphere turns to the ramifications. Tara Garcia Mathewson paints a relative rosy picture for innovative charter school models over at Education Dive: "Whether the sector as a whole has lived up to its promise of innovation is questionable, but there are certainly schools worth learning from and thosethat have doubled down on a vision of improving public education as a whole." Joshua Kim at Inside Higher Ed pens a wishlist that cover bothe k-12 and post secondary institutions: " [The DOE’s] role in helping to create the conditions for knowledge sharing, collaborations, and partnerships across the postsecondary edtech ecosystem is an effort that I hope continues during your tenure as secretary." And Edger Alvarez at Endagadget is a bit more gloomy when it comes to issues of STEM: "DeVos could create an environment where accepted scientific theories such as evolution could be taught alongside faith-based pseudoscience such as intelligent design." Buckle in! —Kevin Hogan, Content Director
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