25 Free Resources from Discovery Education

Discovery Education is a great resource for educators, with assessment tools, streaming videos, TechBooks (online, interactive "textbooks") and much more. But not every district subscribes to their paid products.
This is a list of 25 (and some bonus) free resources for educators from Discovery Education.
25 Free Resources from Discovery Education
1. New Teacher Survival Central - tips and resources for new teachers (and veterans) -http://www.discoveryeducation.com/survival/index.cfm
2. Curiosity - explore and learn a variety of topics -http://curiosity.discovery.com/
3. Clip Art Gallery - free clip art -http://school.discoveryeducation.com/clipart/?pID=clipart
4. Energy Balance 101 - get and keep students healthy -http://energybalance101.com/
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5. The Road Ahead - energy lessons and resources -http://generalmotors.discoveryeducation.com/
6. Ready Classroom - emergency preparedness resources for schools -http://readyclassroom.discoveryeducation.com/#/map
7. Web 20.11 - web 2.0 and tech tools for teachers -http://web2011.discoveryeducation.com/
8. Seimans Science Day - science activities, lessons, resources -http://siemensscienceday.discoveryeducation.com/
9. Turfmutt - environmental lessons and resources -http://turfmutt.discoveryeducation.com/homepage.cfm
10. Toyota Teen Driver - driver safety and simulation -http://toyotateendriver.discoveryeducation.com/
11. Discovery Educator Blog Network - resources, articles, and more -http://goo.gl/VV7tv
12. Seimens STEM Academy - STEM Resources and lessons -http://goo.gl/9B9aJ
13. Discovery News - daily news and lesson resources -http://news.discovery.com/
14. Discovery School’s Lesson Planner - resources and lesson plan creator -http://school.discoveryeducation.com/teachingtools/lessonplanner/index.html
15. Head Rush - science resources, video clips and show -http://goo.gl/C3joV
16. Science Fair Central - science fair tips and resources -http://school.discoveryeducation.com/sciencefaircentral/
17. Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators - lots of great stuff -http://school.discoveryeducation.com/schrockguide/
18. Science of Everyday Life - relate science to everyday things -http://www.scienceofeverydaylife.com/
19. Puzzle Maker - create your own puzzles for class - http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/
20. Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge - great challenge and contest with great resources -http://siemens.discoveryeducation.com/
21. Parent Resources -http://www.discoveryeducation.com/parents/index.cfm
22. Explore the Blue - lessons about water for all subjects -http://exploretheblue.discoveryeducation.com/
23. NASA at 50 - great resources about NASA and science -http://www.discoveryeducation.com/NASAat50/
24. WebMath - math resources and help -http://webmath.com/
25. Free Student Resources - homework help and more -http://www.discoveryeducation.com/students/index.cfm
Hub for Teachers - storytelling in the classroom -http://hubforteachers.com/storytelling-in-classroom/index.cfm
Training Resources for Discovery Education tools and resources -http://goo.gl/usJsd
Discovery Education on Twitter -http://goo.gl/c2qxs
Other Free Resources:
Twitter! -connect with other educators -http://goo.gl/6gaIy
Evernote- free, note taking, web clips, and organization:http://goo.gl/OPHf1
Sugarsync- free (5GB) file sync and backup:http://goo.gl/E6MXI
DropBox- free (5GB) file sync and backup:http://goo.gl/cwPA