Thomas C. Murray and Eric C. SheningerSocial Links Navigation Latest articles by Thomas C. Murray and Eric C. Sheninger Making the Most of EdTech Dollars By Thomas C. Murray and Eric C. Sheninger published 20 June 17 School leaders must balance infrastructure and device spending with operating efficiency, security mitigation, and responsibility for using every budgeted dollar well. Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...1How Innovations in K-12 Education Have Evolved Over the Years2One High School Teacher's Strategy For Using AI to Enhance Learning3How AI Can Help Special Needs Students Better Express Themselves4StudySync: How to Use It to Teach5AI Resources for District Leaders
Making the Most of EdTech Dollars By Thomas C. Murray and Eric C. Sheninger published 20 June 17 School leaders must balance infrastructure and device spending with operating efficiency, security mitigation, and responsibility for using every budgeted dollar well.