Steve YoungSocial Links Navigation Latest articles by Steve Young 1:1 or 1:None? By Steve Young published 24 September 15 Successful 1:1 programs will have a goal, and with that a plan that provides a roadmap to help guide the project towards its goal. Why don’t more school leaders write a good plan? Today's Newsletter: End of the Closed Tablet Ecosystem? By Steve Young published 24 August 15 While it may be old news that tablet sales are declining, this past week two negative major stories broke about school-focused tablet companies. Today's Newsletter: Can Schools Become Future Ready When Families Aren’t Connected? By Steve Young published 24 June 15 Will the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) come to the rescue? CoSN 2015 Texas CTO Clinic Supports K-12 Technology Leadership Growth By Steve Young published 24 June 15 Most Tech & Learning readers are familiar with the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN), the preeminent player in advocating for technology in education. Today's Newsletter: Serious About Student Data Privacy By Steve Young published 27 May 15 Teachers do need to take protecting student data much more seriously, but are fines or jail time really the answer? Today's Newsletter: Economics of 1 to 1 By Steve Young published 22 April 15 A $300, $500, or $1000 device cost per student can seem like a lot to spend per student. Is it? Today's Newsletter: Focus on Student Privacy By Steve Young published 28 January 15 Recently, I had an educator ask me if students collaborating together on an assignment, through a collaborative technology such as Google Docs, could be a violation of FERPA Wishes for the New Year By Steve Young published 28 December 14 As much as there is innovation and exciting new products and ideas, there is a lot that I keep hoping will change, ideally at a rate faster than the speed of smell. Today's Newsletter: Fix Your Bleeding Heart By Steve Young published 22 April 14 How do you know which sites are affected and have been patched? Today's Newsletter: Where are my backups? By Steve Young published 23 May 13 Today's Newsletter: The Problem with the Snuggie Approach By Steve Young published 23 January 13 It is amazing that in education today we still treat many initiatives like a giant one-size-fits-all Snuggie. Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...1CodeMonkey: How to Use It to Teach Coding2The Ups and Downs of AI in Special Education: Legal Considerations3Google’s New AI Tutor LearnLM Is Trained On Learning Science and It Shows 4Tech & Learning’s EdExec Summit is Back! Don’t miss THE Networking Event Connecting Professionals Serving the Education Market5Creating A STEAM Checkout System to Manage Your Teaching Resources
1:1 or 1:None? By Steve Young published 24 September 15 Successful 1:1 programs will have a goal, and with that a plan that provides a roadmap to help guide the project towards its goal. Why don’t more school leaders write a good plan?
Today's Newsletter: End of the Closed Tablet Ecosystem? By Steve Young published 24 August 15 While it may be old news that tablet sales are declining, this past week two negative major stories broke about school-focused tablet companies.
Today's Newsletter: Can Schools Become Future Ready When Families Aren’t Connected? By Steve Young published 24 June 15 Will the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) come to the rescue?
CoSN 2015 Texas CTO Clinic Supports K-12 Technology Leadership Growth By Steve Young published 24 June 15 Most Tech & Learning readers are familiar with the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN), the preeminent player in advocating for technology in education.
Today's Newsletter: Serious About Student Data Privacy By Steve Young published 27 May 15 Teachers do need to take protecting student data much more seriously, but are fines or jail time really the answer?
Today's Newsletter: Economics of 1 to 1 By Steve Young published 22 April 15 A $300, $500, or $1000 device cost per student can seem like a lot to spend per student. Is it?
Today's Newsletter: Focus on Student Privacy By Steve Young published 28 January 15 Recently, I had an educator ask me if students collaborating together on an assignment, through a collaborative technology such as Google Docs, could be a violation of FERPA
Wishes for the New Year By Steve Young published 28 December 14 As much as there is innovation and exciting new products and ideas, there is a lot that I keep hoping will change, ideally at a rate faster than the speed of smell.
Today's Newsletter: Fix Your Bleeding Heart By Steve Young published 22 April 14 How do you know which sites are affected and have been patched?
Today's Newsletter: The Problem with the Snuggie Approach By Steve Young published 23 January 13 It is amazing that in education today we still treat many initiatives like a giant one-size-fits-all Snuggie.