Steven BauleSocial Links Navigation Latest articles by Steven Baule Today's Newsletter: What Can IT Staff Do Regarding Student Walkouts? By Steven Baule published 15 March 18 Today's Newsletter: Teaching in a “Post Truth” World By Steven Baule published 22 December 17 Today's Newsletter: Should Schools Ban Laptops? By Steven Baule published 15 November 17 A thorough review shows female students with access to technology actually exceeded the scores of those without technology, but not significantly so. LOOK BACK TO HEAD FORWARD By Steven Baule published 25 October 17 STEM and STEAM initiatives are similar in many ways to previous efforts to value and order what students should focus on in Pre-K–12 education. Today's Newsletter: Why are Schools Still Using Rules From 1893? By Steven Baule published 18 October 17 I challenge all educators to step back and review some of the fundamental documents of our profession. Today's Newsletter: Are We Accurately Reporting “Graduation Rates?” By Steven Baule published 20 September 17 There is a fair amount of controversy about whether or not to count Indiana’s general diploma when factoring the high school graduation rate for ESSA reporting purposes Today's Newsletter: Ensuring All Voices Are Heard in Schools By Steven Baule published 16 August 17 With the tragic events in Charlottesville last weekend, we need to step back and take a look at what we are doing in our schools and classrooms to model inclusiveness and acceptance of others Today's Newsletter: Is School Choice a Thing of the Past? By Steven Baule published 19 July 17 School choice as we conceptualize it currently may be a thing of the past. Today's Newsletter: Why to Save Our Libraries By Steven Baule published 7 June 17 As schools continue to be squeezed for funding, many see school library programs as expendable. Today's Newsletter: School Choice or Segregation? By Steven Baule published 17 May 17 It seems "school choice" in many urban areas is more a new round of segregation than true choice. Today's Newsletter: Cursive’s Impact on EdTech By Steven Baule published 19 April 17 Cursive still has some staunch school supporters. Today's Newsletter: The Magic of Tech By Steven Baule published 15 March 17 Don’t assume that only electronic devices have value to our students. Today's Newsletter: Time For Less Standardized Testing? By Steven Baule published 15 February 17 Sometimes we need to laugh. Today's Newsletter: The Future of Education is Unclear By Steven Baule published 11 January 17 As the US Department of Education’s future direction appears unclear, it does make sense to be aware of several of the potential contentious issues. Today's Newsletter: Do All Students Need A College Degree? By Steven Baule published 17 November 16 Do We Really Need Certification to be Educators? By Steven Baule published 22 August 16 Do we really need certification to be educators? Progressive Education Revisited By Steven Baule published 13 July 16 This summer, while you are visiting the beach or taking a staycation, take a trip back to the 1930s and learn more about Progressive Education. Today's Newsletter: Do Online Credit Recovery Programs Work? By Steven Baule published 18 May 16 Last week, I was honored to participate in our regional adult basic education graduation ceremony. Today's Newsletter: Superintendents Identify Edtech Trends at AASA Conference By Steven Baule published 18 February 16 One trend was the need for more staff development as we get ready to make the shift to a more personalized curriculum. Internet Dangers: Resources to Share By Steven Baule published 26 October 15 The Internet has made so many things better that it is essential to remember that there are also some bad people out there using the Internet for criminal purposes. Best Books to Read Now By Steven Baule published 25 August 15 What am I recommending to teachers and others for their fall reading? Today's Newsletter: Best Books to Read Now By Steven Baule published 30 July 15 As July closes out, I have an urge to reflect upon my summer reading and think ahead about what I want to recommend to others. Have You Taken the Future Ready Pledge Yet? By Steven Baule published 19 December 14 Since launching last month, the Future Ready Pledge has been taken by school leaders representing more than 10 million students. The Politics of Common Core By Steven Baule published 20 November 13 There is a growing concern about the Common Core State Standards as it seems to become a political issue over who controls education policy. Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...1Edtech Show & Tell: March 20252Why We Need More Personalization in Education34 Brand New AI Tools For 2025 With The Potential to Change Teaching 4How Innovations in K-12 Education Have Evolved Over the Years5One High School Teacher's Strategy For Using AI to Enhance Learning
Today's Newsletter: What Can IT Staff Do Regarding Student Walkouts? By Steven Baule published 15 March 18
Today's Newsletter: Should Schools Ban Laptops? By Steven Baule published 15 November 17 A thorough review shows female students with access to technology actually exceeded the scores of those without technology, but not significantly so.
LOOK BACK TO HEAD FORWARD By Steven Baule published 25 October 17 STEM and STEAM initiatives are similar in many ways to previous efforts to value and order what students should focus on in Pre-K–12 education.
Today's Newsletter: Why are Schools Still Using Rules From 1893? By Steven Baule published 18 October 17 I challenge all educators to step back and review some of the fundamental documents of our profession.
Today's Newsletter: Are We Accurately Reporting “Graduation Rates?” By Steven Baule published 20 September 17 There is a fair amount of controversy about whether or not to count Indiana’s general diploma when factoring the high school graduation rate for ESSA reporting purposes
Today's Newsletter: Ensuring All Voices Are Heard in Schools By Steven Baule published 16 August 17 With the tragic events in Charlottesville last weekend, we need to step back and take a look at what we are doing in our schools and classrooms to model inclusiveness and acceptance of others
Today's Newsletter: Is School Choice a Thing of the Past? By Steven Baule published 19 July 17 School choice as we conceptualize it currently may be a thing of the past.
Today's Newsletter: Why to Save Our Libraries By Steven Baule published 7 June 17 As schools continue to be squeezed for funding, many see school library programs as expendable.
Today's Newsletter: School Choice or Segregation? By Steven Baule published 17 May 17 It seems "school choice" in many urban areas is more a new round of segregation than true choice.
Today's Newsletter: Cursive’s Impact on EdTech By Steven Baule published 19 April 17 Cursive still has some staunch school supporters.
Today's Newsletter: The Magic of Tech By Steven Baule published 15 March 17 Don’t assume that only electronic devices have value to our students.
Today's Newsletter: Time For Less Standardized Testing? By Steven Baule published 15 February 17 Sometimes we need to laugh.
Today's Newsletter: The Future of Education is Unclear By Steven Baule published 11 January 17 As the US Department of Education’s future direction appears unclear, it does make sense to be aware of several of the potential contentious issues.
Do We Really Need Certification to be Educators? By Steven Baule published 22 August 16 Do we really need certification to be educators?
Progressive Education Revisited By Steven Baule published 13 July 16 This summer, while you are visiting the beach or taking a staycation, take a trip back to the 1930s and learn more about Progressive Education.
Today's Newsletter: Do Online Credit Recovery Programs Work? By Steven Baule published 18 May 16 Last week, I was honored to participate in our regional adult basic education graduation ceremony.
Today's Newsletter: Superintendents Identify Edtech Trends at AASA Conference By Steven Baule published 18 February 16 One trend was the need for more staff development as we get ready to make the shift to a more personalized curriculum.
Internet Dangers: Resources to Share By Steven Baule published 26 October 15 The Internet has made so many things better that it is essential to remember that there are also some bad people out there using the Internet for criminal purposes.
Best Books to Read Now By Steven Baule published 25 August 15 What am I recommending to teachers and others for their fall reading?
Today's Newsletter: Best Books to Read Now By Steven Baule published 30 July 15 As July closes out, I have an urge to reflect upon my summer reading and think ahead about what I want to recommend to others.
Have You Taken the Future Ready Pledge Yet? By Steven Baule published 19 December 14 Since launching last month, the Future Ready Pledge has been taken by school leaders representing more than 10 million students.
The Politics of Common Core By Steven Baule published 20 November 13 There is a growing concern about the Common Core State Standards as it seems to become a political issue over who controls education policy.