Pernille RippSocial Links Navigation Latest articles by Pernille Ripp Be a Reader Leader – What Administrators Can Do to Promote a Reading Culture By Pernille Ripp published 6 July 18 In These Divided Times By Pernille Ripp published 27 June 18 Join the Passionate Readers Summer Book Club Study By Pernille Ripp published 31 May 18 Need Some Inspiration? Enter to Win a Bundle of Books By Pernille Ripp published 10 May 18 One Week Into a Phone Free Classroom By Pernille Ripp published 11 April 18 On the Need for Phone Free Classrooms By Pernille Ripp published 26 March 18 The True Power of Technology By Pernille Ripp published 5 March 18 The True Power of Technology By Pernille Ripp published 13 February 18 On Which Reading Program to Purchase By Pernille Ripp published 25 January 18 Excuse Me While I “Just” Go Innovate By Pernille Ripp published 7 December 17 It has been building for a while. This idea that teachers need to “just” innovate more. On In-Service and Back to School Training By Pernille Ripp published 9 August 17 You could bring us the very best program in the world, but it may never be enough. My End of Year Student Survey 2017 By Pernille Ripp published 31 May 17 I owe my greatest growth as a teacher to the truths that my students have shared with me. 5 Tenets of Choice By Pernille Ripp published 18 January 17 Working in the public school system in a state that has mandates and tests to take means that we sometimes cannot just do whatever we want as we explore 7th grade English. The Best in 2016 – My Favorite Posts of the Year By Pernille Ripp published 2 January 17 We have made it another trip around the sun and tomorrow we start a new year, a new book so so to speak. Win A Copy of My New Book! By Pernille Ripp published 7 December 16 This how-to book is meant to help those that are new to global collaboration or have been dipping their toes in for the past few years. What Do We Do Now By Pernille Ripp published 28 November 16 My heart sank and my first reaction was to ask Microsoft to please close the comments to shield my students. Making the World Kinder By Pernille Ripp published 23 November 16 Two weeks ago, we had the very surreal experience of having a professional film crew in our classroom filming us. Audience Needed – Silly Poetry Videos By Pernille Ripp published 9 November 16 Tomorrow my amazing 7th graders will start practicing their speaking skills through silly poetry performances. Reimagining Literacy Through Global Collaboration By Pernille Ripp published 18 October 16 Since 2010, my students and I have been bringing the world in. On Global Collaboration and Projects You Can Join By Pernille Ripp published 7 October 16 I startedthe Global Read Aloud in 2010 not knowing what it would become, not knowing how it would truly make the world smaller, connect many children and change my own life. I’ve Had Enough – No More Public Behavior Management Systems By Pernille Ripp published 6 July 16 Day after day, a little kindergartener would tell me about his day, his shoes, his new fish, or whatever else popped into his mind. Warning: This Will Get Stuck in Your Head By Pernille Ripp published 8 June 16 I wasn’t sure how my students would react, after all, they are sometimes way too cool to get a little silly, but that day I realized what a genius Emily Arrow and her music is. Dear STAR Test, We Need to Talk By Pernille Ripp published 13 May 16 When I heard about you, STAR, and how you would give me46 reading skills in 11 different domainsin just 30 or so questions, I was intrigued. Not Every Kid Wants to Learn How to Code By Pernille Ripp published 4 May 16 It seems more and more initiatives are coming out proclaiming that all kids need to code. A Few Thoughts on Standardized Testing By Pernille Ripp published 28 April 16 Walk into our classroom and you will see bare walls and desks in rows. Students engaged only with their computer. 1 2 3 4 Archives Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...1How Innovations in K-12 Education Have Evolved Over the Years2One High School Teacher's Strategy For Using AI to Enhance Learning3How AI Can Help Special Needs Students Better Express Themselves4StudySync: How to Use It to Teach5AI Resources for District Leaders
Be a Reader Leader – What Administrators Can Do to Promote a Reading Culture By Pernille Ripp published 6 July 18
Excuse Me While I “Just” Go Innovate By Pernille Ripp published 7 December 17 It has been building for a while. This idea that teachers need to “just” innovate more.
On In-Service and Back to School Training By Pernille Ripp published 9 August 17 You could bring us the very best program in the world, but it may never be enough.
My End of Year Student Survey 2017 By Pernille Ripp published 31 May 17 I owe my greatest growth as a teacher to the truths that my students have shared with me.
5 Tenets of Choice By Pernille Ripp published 18 January 17 Working in the public school system in a state that has mandates and tests to take means that we sometimes cannot just do whatever we want as we explore 7th grade English.
The Best in 2016 – My Favorite Posts of the Year By Pernille Ripp published 2 January 17 We have made it another trip around the sun and tomorrow we start a new year, a new book so so to speak.
Win A Copy of My New Book! By Pernille Ripp published 7 December 16 This how-to book is meant to help those that are new to global collaboration or have been dipping their toes in for the past few years.
What Do We Do Now By Pernille Ripp published 28 November 16 My heart sank and my first reaction was to ask Microsoft to please close the comments to shield my students.
Making the World Kinder By Pernille Ripp published 23 November 16 Two weeks ago, we had the very surreal experience of having a professional film crew in our classroom filming us.
Audience Needed – Silly Poetry Videos By Pernille Ripp published 9 November 16 Tomorrow my amazing 7th graders will start practicing their speaking skills through silly poetry performances.
Reimagining Literacy Through Global Collaboration By Pernille Ripp published 18 October 16 Since 2010, my students and I have been bringing the world in.
On Global Collaboration and Projects You Can Join By Pernille Ripp published 7 October 16 I startedthe Global Read Aloud in 2010 not knowing what it would become, not knowing how it would truly make the world smaller, connect many children and change my own life.
I’ve Had Enough – No More Public Behavior Management Systems By Pernille Ripp published 6 July 16 Day after day, a little kindergartener would tell me about his day, his shoes, his new fish, or whatever else popped into his mind.
Warning: This Will Get Stuck in Your Head By Pernille Ripp published 8 June 16 I wasn’t sure how my students would react, after all, they are sometimes way too cool to get a little silly, but that day I realized what a genius Emily Arrow and her music is.
Dear STAR Test, We Need to Talk By Pernille Ripp published 13 May 16 When I heard about you, STAR, and how you would give me46 reading skills in 11 different domainsin just 30 or so questions, I was intrigued.
Not Every Kid Wants to Learn How to Code By Pernille Ripp published 4 May 16 It seems more and more initiatives are coming out proclaiming that all kids need to code.
A Few Thoughts on Standardized Testing By Pernille Ripp published 28 April 16 Walk into our classroom and you will see bare walls and desks in rows. Students engaged only with their computer.