Michael TrucanoSocial Links Navigation Latest articles by Michael Trucano What to do After Your Education System is Hacked By Michael Trucano published 31 July 18 20 Innovative Edtech Projects From Around the World By Michael Trucano published 21 November 17 I am quite often asked to help other folks identify intriguing initiatives that might, individually and/or collectively, illuminate emerging trends and approaches in this sector: Expanding the Conversation in Education Around 'Access' to the Internet By Michael Trucano published 16 November 17 What should we be talking about in 2017 that we haven't talked about in the past? The Edtech Edifice Complex By Michael Trucano published 7 November 17 Top World Bank EduTech Blog Posts of 2016 By Michael Trucano published 9 January 17 There is no shortage of edtech-related 'solutions' marketed around the world, but are they addressing the right problems and most critical challenges? An Innovative Approach to the Procurement of "Innovative" Large-Scale Educational Technology Programs? By Michael Trucano published 21 December 16 One common mechanism utilized in many countries is the establishment of a special 'innovation fund', designed to support the exploration of lots of 'new stuff' in the education sector. Open Data, Closed Algorithms, and the Black Box of Education By Michael Trucano published 7 December 16 What's Changed: Ten Reflections on Ten Years of Technology Use in Education By Michael Trucano published 1 December 16 Earlier this month, the Korea Education Research & Information Service (KERIS) hosted the tenth annualGlobal Symposium on ICT Use in Educationin Seoul. Revisiting the Digital Native Hypothesis By Michael Trucano published 25 November 16 It is conventional wisdom in many quarters -- indeed, for some people it approaches the level of 'incontrovertible fact' -- that young people are 'digital natives', Education Provides the Analogue Foundation for Our Digital Lives By Michael Trucano published 22 June 16 Here are the main messages from the 2016 World Development Report: How Students in Uruguayan Schools are Being Taught English Over the Internet By Michael Trucano published 25 May 16 How do you strike a balance between the immediate needs of students *right now* and an education system's requirements to train teachers to help meet such needs over the long term? Mobile Internet Buses, Vans and Cassrooms to Support Teachers & Learners in Remote Communities By Michael Trucano published 10 May 16 Over the past 15 years, tremendous strides have been made in providing computing equipment and Internet access to schools around the world. Zero-Rating Educational Content on the Internet By Michael Trucano published 1 April 16 Over the past dozen years or so, I have seen and/or heard dozens (probably hundreds) of education project proposals that have sought in some way to include the use of text messages. Reflections on the Last Five Years of "Mobile Learning" By Michael Trucano published 24 March 16 For decades, people have said that, when it comes to education, 'technology is only a tool' ... and then many of them have gone on to talk only about the technology. Digital Teaching and Learning Resources: An EduTech Reader By Michael Trucano published 9 March 16 A number ofposts related to the use of digital teaching and learning materialsthat have appeared on the World Bank'sEduTech bloghave been collected here. Education – The Analog Foundation For Our Digital Lives By Michael Trucano published 2 March 16 Here, quickly, are the main messages from the 2016 World Development Report: Learning from the use of technology in showcase schools By Michael Trucano published 25 February 16 I was treated to a 'best practice' example of technology use in education that I found in many ways to be, in fact, 'worst practice'. The Introduction of Large Scale Computer Adaptive Testing in Georgia By Michael Trucano published 16 February 16 'Testing' is a source of and trigger for controversies of all different sorts, in different places around the world. Learning to Code vs. Coding to Learn By Michael Trucano published 9 February 16 “Coding”, it is said by some, is the “new literacy.” Complexities in utilizing free digital learning resources By Michael Trucano published 1 February 16 Common (and Uncommon) Approaches to Preventing the Theft of Computers, Laptops and Tablets in Schools By Michael Trucano published 27 January 16 Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...1Teaching Quantum Mechanics In K-122ClassPad.net: How to Use It to Teach Math310 Free AI Trainings and Certifications for Educators4How to Overcome Anxiety Associated with Test Taking5Using AI “Speed Dating” To Introduce AI in a Controlled Environment
20 Innovative Edtech Projects From Around the World By Michael Trucano published 21 November 17 I am quite often asked to help other folks identify intriguing initiatives that might, individually and/or collectively, illuminate emerging trends and approaches in this sector:
Expanding the Conversation in Education Around 'Access' to the Internet By Michael Trucano published 16 November 17 What should we be talking about in 2017 that we haven't talked about in the past?
Top World Bank EduTech Blog Posts of 2016 By Michael Trucano published 9 January 17 There is no shortage of edtech-related 'solutions' marketed around the world, but are they addressing the right problems and most critical challenges?
An Innovative Approach to the Procurement of "Innovative" Large-Scale Educational Technology Programs? By Michael Trucano published 21 December 16 One common mechanism utilized in many countries is the establishment of a special 'innovation fund', designed to support the exploration of lots of 'new stuff' in the education sector.
Open Data, Closed Algorithms, and the Black Box of Education By Michael Trucano published 7 December 16
What's Changed: Ten Reflections on Ten Years of Technology Use in Education By Michael Trucano published 1 December 16 Earlier this month, the Korea Education Research & Information Service (KERIS) hosted the tenth annualGlobal Symposium on ICT Use in Educationin Seoul.
Revisiting the Digital Native Hypothesis By Michael Trucano published 25 November 16 It is conventional wisdom in many quarters -- indeed, for some people it approaches the level of 'incontrovertible fact' -- that young people are 'digital natives',
Education Provides the Analogue Foundation for Our Digital Lives By Michael Trucano published 22 June 16 Here are the main messages from the 2016 World Development Report:
How Students in Uruguayan Schools are Being Taught English Over the Internet By Michael Trucano published 25 May 16 How do you strike a balance between the immediate needs of students *right now* and an education system's requirements to train teachers to help meet such needs over the long term?
Mobile Internet Buses, Vans and Cassrooms to Support Teachers & Learners in Remote Communities By Michael Trucano published 10 May 16 Over the past 15 years, tremendous strides have been made in providing computing equipment and Internet access to schools around the world.
Zero-Rating Educational Content on the Internet By Michael Trucano published 1 April 16 Over the past dozen years or so, I have seen and/or heard dozens (probably hundreds) of education project proposals that have sought in some way to include the use of text messages.
Reflections on the Last Five Years of "Mobile Learning" By Michael Trucano published 24 March 16 For decades, people have said that, when it comes to education, 'technology is only a tool' ... and then many of them have gone on to talk only about the technology.
Digital Teaching and Learning Resources: An EduTech Reader By Michael Trucano published 9 March 16 A number ofposts related to the use of digital teaching and learning materialsthat have appeared on the World Bank'sEduTech bloghave been collected here.
Education – The Analog Foundation For Our Digital Lives By Michael Trucano published 2 March 16 Here, quickly, are the main messages from the 2016 World Development Report:
Learning from the use of technology in showcase schools By Michael Trucano published 25 February 16 I was treated to a 'best practice' example of technology use in education that I found in many ways to be, in fact, 'worst practice'.
The Introduction of Large Scale Computer Adaptive Testing in Georgia By Michael Trucano published 16 February 16 'Testing' is a source of and trigger for controversies of all different sorts, in different places around the world.
Learning to Code vs. Coding to Learn By Michael Trucano published 9 February 16 “Coding”, it is said by some, is the “new literacy.”
Common (and Uncommon) Approaches to Preventing the Theft of Computers, Laptops and Tablets in Schools By Michael Trucano published 27 January 16