Judy SalpeterSocial Links Navigation Latest articles by Judy Salpeter Lessons from a Decade of 1:1: a Crowd-Sourced Interview By Judy Salpeter published 25 April 2018 At the Tech & Learning Leadership Summit in October 2017, several districts that have been involved in 1:1 initiatives for many years came together to discuss their experiences. Microsoft’s Hack the Classroom Event at #ISTE17 By Judy Salpeter published 29 June 2017 10 Key Ingredients to Making 1:1 Work By Judy Salpeter published 28 December 2016 What follows is an excerpt from the SchoolCIO newsletter, the publication for K-12 district-level edtech leaders. Today's Newsletter: Social Media As K-12 Learning Tool By Judy Salpeter published 2 November 2013 One of the most dramatic trends has been the way in which social media has been embraced by the K-12 world BYOD and One-to-One By Judy Salpeter published 28 August 2013 Few people today would argue with the idea that technology offers powerful tools for teaching, learning, and communicating. BYOD and One-to-One By Judy Salpeter published 23 August 2013 Few people today would argue with theidea that technology offers powerful tools for teaching,learning, and communicating. Make Students Info Literate By Judy Salpeter published 22 May 2008 Is More Testing the Answer? By Judy Salpeter published 15 May 2007 Inside The Divide By Judy Salpeter published 15 March 2006 Shoring Up Your Staff: Timely and Sustained Teacher Support By Judy Salpeter published 15 November 2004 Awards of Excellence 2003 By Judy Salpeter published 15 December 2003 21st Century Skills: Will Our Students Be Prepared? By Judy Salpeter published 15 October 2003 Professional Development: 21st Century Models By Judy Salpeter published 15 August 2003 Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...1How to Overcome Anxiety Associated with Test Taking2Using AI “Speed Dating” To Introduce AI in a Controlled Environment3Glose: How to Use It to Teach Reading4Class Companion: Teaching With The AI Grading and Tutor Tool 55 Ways to Create Career-Ready High School Spaces
Lessons from a Decade of 1:1: a Crowd-Sourced Interview By Judy Salpeter published 25 April 2018 At the Tech & Learning Leadership Summit in October 2017, several districts that have been involved in 1:1 initiatives for many years came together to discuss their experiences.
10 Key Ingredients to Making 1:1 Work By Judy Salpeter published 28 December 2016 What follows is an excerpt from the SchoolCIO newsletter, the publication for K-12 district-level edtech leaders.
Today's Newsletter: Social Media As K-12 Learning Tool By Judy Salpeter published 2 November 2013 One of the most dramatic trends has been the way in which social media has been embraced by the K-12 world
BYOD and One-to-One By Judy Salpeter published 28 August 2013 Few people today would argue with the idea that technology offers powerful tools for teaching, learning, and communicating.
BYOD and One-to-One By Judy Salpeter published 23 August 2013 Few people today would argue with theidea that technology offers powerful tools for teaching,learning, and communicating.
Shoring Up Your Staff: Timely and Sustained Teacher Support By Judy Salpeter published 15 November 2004