Eric SheningerSocial Links Navigation Latest articles by Eric Sheninger From the Principal's Office: People Make the Difference By Eric Sheninger published 31 July 13 It is only when we push ourselves outside of our knowledge comfort zones that we can truly be the catalysts for change that our schools, districts, and communities desperately need. From the Principal's Office: Sensible Learning By Eric Sheninger published 22 July 13 Social Media is bad and has no place in education. From the Principal's Office: Investigative Science By Eric Sheninger published 15 July 13 NMHS science teacher Ms Tahreen Chowdhury taught the work-energy unit through investigative science learning process. From the Principal's Office: The Power of Video By Eric Sheninger published 8 July 13 Students in Mrs. Tambuscio’s World History class culminated a unit on the Holocaust by applying their historical knowledge to the viewing of survivor testimonies. From the Principal's Office: Learning Artifacts By Eric Sheninger published 3 July 13 Knowledge often comes to us via transcribed content or artifacts, which is derived from others' knowledge. From the Principal's Office: Forging Ahead With Change By Eric Sheninger published 17 June 13 From the Principal's Office: Social Media Use Needs to Focus More on Learning Than Behavior By Eric Sheninger published 12 June 13 It pains me when I hear about school districts that are attempting to implement and impose social media policies that focus more on the "behavior" of educators as opposed to student learning. From the Principal's Office: The Capstone Experience By Eric Sheninger published 4 June 13 One of our guiding beliefs here at New Milford High School is that our students will find purpose and meaning in their respective learning experiences. From the Principal's Office: Game Design as a Catalyst For Learning By Eric Sheninger published 24 May 13 Over the course of this school year, I have been fortunate enough to share ideas on technology integration with Judy Wilson, my children’s principal at P.S. 3 in Staten Island, NY. From the Principal's Office: Authentic Learning Can't Be Standardized By Eric Sheninger published 22 May 13 Students that participate in this experience travel to Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic as they learn firsthand about one of the most traumatic events in human history. From the Principal's Office: Personalizing Learning for All Students With OpenCourseWare By Eric Sheninger published 9 May 13 Around this time last year I received what I thought was an odd request. From the Principal's Office: Discovery Education's Common Core Academies By Eric Sheninger published 8 May 13 Educators are invited to join their peers for Common Core Academies that are research-based, personalized, and actionable. From the Principal's Office: Apps and Social Media in the Classroom By Eric Sheninger published 2 May 13 It is springtime at New Milford High School and new ideas are flourishing. From the Principal's Office:The Runaway Train By Eric Sheninger published 19 April 13 As the end of the school year draws near, the education reform rhetoric is heating up. From the Principal's Office: Autonomy Breeds Change By Eric Sheninger published 15 April 13 After some thinking and looking at various options inherent in the current schedule, I decided to cut all non-instructional duties in half to create a Professional Growth Period (PGP). From the Principal's Office: Tracking Your Digital Footprint By Eric Sheninger published 8 April 13 I was devastated to learn a few weeks back that Google Reader was getting the ax. The Device Conundrum - 1:1 vs BYOD By Eric Sheninger published 2 April 13 From the Principal's Office: Unwrapping the Common Core Standards By Eric Sheninger published 19 March 13 As a principal I am always on the look out for resources that can aid my teachers with the successful implementation of these standards. From the Principal's Office: There's An App For That By Eric Sheninger published 7 March 13 From the Principal's Office: Learning Math Should be Fun and Engaging By Eric Sheninger published 11 February 13 Kanchan Chellani, currently a math teacher at New Milford High School, is a strong believer in making the learning process fun, interactive, and meaningful for students. From the Principal's Office: The Lowell Milken Center Discovery Award By Eric Sheninger published 6 February 13 From the Principal's Office: The Right Way is Your Way By Eric Sheninger published 11 January 13 Social media is like the "Wild West" in that there are no overbearing rules, which is why I love it so much. From the Principal's Office: Observing the Common Core Classroom By Eric Sheninger published 9 January 13 Educators across the country are grappling with the Common Core Standards and the significant changes that have come with them. From the Principal's Office: A School's Transformative Journey By Eric Sheninger published 7 January 13 Recently my school was recognized as the “School of the Month” for November/December by eSchool News. Shifts and Issues Associated With The Common Core By Eric Sheninger published 27 December 12 At the 2012 ASCD Annual Conference, twofacilitators shared input from educators in fourstates about the standards and the assistanceneeded to integrate them into schools andclassrooms. 1 2 3 Archives Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...1How Innovations in K-12 Education Have Evolved Over the Years2One High School Teacher's Strategy For Using AI to Enhance Learning3How AI Can Help Special Needs Students Better Express Themselves4StudySync: How to Use It to Teach5AI Resources for District Leaders
From the Principal's Office: People Make the Difference By Eric Sheninger published 31 July 13 It is only when we push ourselves outside of our knowledge comfort zones that we can truly be the catalysts for change that our schools, districts, and communities desperately need.
From the Principal's Office: Sensible Learning By Eric Sheninger published 22 July 13 Social Media is bad and has no place in education.
From the Principal's Office: Investigative Science By Eric Sheninger published 15 July 13 NMHS science teacher Ms Tahreen Chowdhury taught the work-energy unit through investigative science learning process.
From the Principal's Office: The Power of Video By Eric Sheninger published 8 July 13 Students in Mrs. Tambuscio’s World History class culminated a unit on the Holocaust by applying their historical knowledge to the viewing of survivor testimonies.
From the Principal's Office: Learning Artifacts By Eric Sheninger published 3 July 13 Knowledge often comes to us via transcribed content or artifacts, which is derived from others' knowledge.
From the Principal's Office: Social Media Use Needs to Focus More on Learning Than Behavior By Eric Sheninger published 12 June 13 It pains me when I hear about school districts that are attempting to implement and impose social media policies that focus more on the "behavior" of educators as opposed to student learning.
From the Principal's Office: The Capstone Experience By Eric Sheninger published 4 June 13 One of our guiding beliefs here at New Milford High School is that our students will find purpose and meaning in their respective learning experiences.
From the Principal's Office: Game Design as a Catalyst For Learning By Eric Sheninger published 24 May 13 Over the course of this school year, I have been fortunate enough to share ideas on technology integration with Judy Wilson, my children’s principal at P.S. 3 in Staten Island, NY.
From the Principal's Office: Authentic Learning Can't Be Standardized By Eric Sheninger published 22 May 13 Students that participate in this experience travel to Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic as they learn firsthand about one of the most traumatic events in human history.
From the Principal's Office: Personalizing Learning for All Students With OpenCourseWare By Eric Sheninger published 9 May 13 Around this time last year I received what I thought was an odd request.
From the Principal's Office: Discovery Education's Common Core Academies By Eric Sheninger published 8 May 13 Educators are invited to join their peers for Common Core Academies that are research-based, personalized, and actionable.
From the Principal's Office: Apps and Social Media in the Classroom By Eric Sheninger published 2 May 13 It is springtime at New Milford High School and new ideas are flourishing.
From the Principal's Office:The Runaway Train By Eric Sheninger published 19 April 13 As the end of the school year draws near, the education reform rhetoric is heating up.
From the Principal's Office: Autonomy Breeds Change By Eric Sheninger published 15 April 13 After some thinking and looking at various options inherent in the current schedule, I decided to cut all non-instructional duties in half to create a Professional Growth Period (PGP).
From the Principal's Office: Tracking Your Digital Footprint By Eric Sheninger published 8 April 13 I was devastated to learn a few weeks back that Google Reader was getting the ax.
From the Principal's Office: Unwrapping the Common Core Standards By Eric Sheninger published 19 March 13 As a principal I am always on the look out for resources that can aid my teachers with the successful implementation of these standards.
From the Principal's Office: Learning Math Should be Fun and Engaging By Eric Sheninger published 11 February 13 Kanchan Chellani, currently a math teacher at New Milford High School, is a strong believer in making the learning process fun, interactive, and meaningful for students.
From the Principal's Office: The Lowell Milken Center Discovery Award By Eric Sheninger published 6 February 13
From the Principal's Office: The Right Way is Your Way By Eric Sheninger published 11 January 13 Social media is like the "Wild West" in that there are no overbearing rules, which is why I love it so much.
From the Principal's Office: Observing the Common Core Classroom By Eric Sheninger published 9 January 13 Educators across the country are grappling with the Common Core Standards and the significant changes that have come with them.
From the Principal's Office: A School's Transformative Journey By Eric Sheninger published 7 January 13 Recently my school was recognized as the “School of the Month” for November/December by eSchool News.
Shifts and Issues Associated With The Common Core By Eric Sheninger published 27 December 12 At the 2012 ASCD Annual Conference, twofacilitators shared input from educators in fourstates about the standards and the assistanceneeded to integrate them into schools andclassrooms.