Eric SheningerSocial Links Navigation Latest articles by Eric Sheninger From the Principal's Office: Professional Learning School Leaders Need and Deserve By Eric Sheninger published 20 October 14 During my ten years as a school leader I dreaded professional development days in my district. From the Principal's Office: One Day That Changed Everything By Eric Sheninger published 15 October 14 A Tale of Two Libraries By Eric Sheninger published 1 October 14 The learning atmosphere in the library is nothing less than amazing. From the Principal's Office: Learning That Matters By Eric Sheninger published 22 September 14 "When was the last time any of us had to take a standardized test in our careers? Answer = never. So why is this done to kids incessantly?" From the Principal's Office: Our Work Defines Our Legacy By Eric Sheninger published 18 August 14 Over the past few years my work has been aligned to digital leadership and has ultimately defined me as an educator, leader, and person. From the Principal's Office: Amazing Students Do Amazing Things By Eric Sheninger published 12 August 14 She creates amazing art as a means to continually demonstrate her passions while learning new skills and techniques in the process. From the Principal's Office: Reinventing Writing by @Coolcatteacher By Eric Sheninger published 4 August 14 I have seen all too often technology just get dumped on teachers and schools with no rhyme or reason. From the Principal's Office: Schools That Work For Kids By Eric Sheninger published 31 July 14 Our education system has become so efficient in sustaining a century old model because it is easy and safe. From the Principal's Office: Roadmap to a Job-Embedded Growth Model By Eric Sheninger published 28 July 14 My inspiration came in the form of the Google 80/20 Innovation Model. From the Principal's Office: #SaveEdShelf By Eric Sheninger published 21 July 14 I was recently notified by William Jenkins that EdShelf announced it will be ceasing trading at the end of this month. From the Principal's Office: Raising the Bar on Learning By Eric Sheninger published 10 July 14 In my opinion inquiry-based learning is one of the best pedagogical techniques available to teachers. From the Principal's Office: Excuses Hold Us Back By Eric Sheninger published 2 July 14 If education is good for one thing, it is for making excuses not to move forward. Twitter as a Tool For Academic Discourse By Eric Sheninger published 17 June 14 New Milford High School teachers Jessica Groff and Joanna Westbrook created a Common Core aligned English Language Arts (ELA) task that incorporated Twitter into their unit on Julius Caesar From the Principal's Office: Change is a Mindset By Eric Sheninger published 12 June 14 The essential elements that work as catalysts for the change process include the following: From the Principal's Office: 3D Virtual Learning a New Reality By Eric Sheninger published 23 May 14 Using the Protosphere platform we are exploring the unique pedagogy in a virtual environment and technology as the learning environment From the Principal's Office: Students Explore Space in the Palm of Their Hands By Eric Sheninger published 6 May 14 From the Principal's Office: Simple Yet Effective By Eric Sheninger published 25 April 14 Many districts, schools, and administrators are convinced that social media has absolutely no place in education, even though the whole entire world using it for some reason or another. From the Principal's Office: Using EdTech to Enhance Science Learning By Eric Sheninger published 22 April 14 Miss Ginter’s biology students at New Milford High School have been using Padlet as a forum to post answers to teacher-created questions, as well as student-created questions. From the Principal's Office: Inquiry-Based, Constructivist Learning in Physics By Eric Sheninger published 14 April 14 She asked the students to come up with different collisions and predict how the forces will compare to each other based on the collisions. From the Principal's Office: Makerspaces Provide a World of Opportunities By Eric Sheninger published 7 April 14 Mrs. Vicari then challenged the students to use all the elements of Visual merchandising and display to create a model of what our school store should look like. Students Yearn For Creativity, Not Tests By Eric Sheninger published 2 April 14 I can honestly say that this was one of the best, most inspiring, thought-provoking student presentations I have ever seen. From the Principal's Office: Making to Learn in Physics By Eric Sheninger published 28 March 14 From the Principal's Office: QR Codes in the Math Classroom By Eric Sheninger published 17 March 14 The level of engagement increased dramatically with the use of QR codes and simply allowing students to utilize their cell phones in the learning process! From the Principal's Office: Global Connections Made Possible Through Technology By Eric Sheninger published 12 March 14 After they selected their charities and then began their research, students were having amazing “real world” experiences. From the Principal's Office:The Next Generation in Student Flashcards By Eric Sheninger published 3 March 14 One of the reasons why Cardkiwi is so effective is because it utilizes a memory building technique known as spaced repetition. 1 2 3 Archives Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...1How Innovations in K-12 Education Have Evolved Over the Years2One High School Teacher's Strategy For Using AI to Enhance Learning3How AI Can Help Special Needs Students Better Express Themselves4StudySync: How to Use It to Teach5AI Resources for District Leaders
From the Principal's Office: Professional Learning School Leaders Need and Deserve By Eric Sheninger published 20 October 14 During my ten years as a school leader I dreaded professional development days in my district.
From the Principal's Office: One Day That Changed Everything By Eric Sheninger published 15 October 14
A Tale of Two Libraries By Eric Sheninger published 1 October 14 The learning atmosphere in the library is nothing less than amazing.
From the Principal's Office: Learning That Matters By Eric Sheninger published 22 September 14 "When was the last time any of us had to take a standardized test in our careers? Answer = never. So why is this done to kids incessantly?"
From the Principal's Office: Our Work Defines Our Legacy By Eric Sheninger published 18 August 14 Over the past few years my work has been aligned to digital leadership and has ultimately defined me as an educator, leader, and person.
From the Principal's Office: Amazing Students Do Amazing Things By Eric Sheninger published 12 August 14 She creates amazing art as a means to continually demonstrate her passions while learning new skills and techniques in the process.
From the Principal's Office: Reinventing Writing by @Coolcatteacher By Eric Sheninger published 4 August 14 I have seen all too often technology just get dumped on teachers and schools with no rhyme or reason.
From the Principal's Office: Schools That Work For Kids By Eric Sheninger published 31 July 14 Our education system has become so efficient in sustaining a century old model because it is easy and safe.
From the Principal's Office: Roadmap to a Job-Embedded Growth Model By Eric Sheninger published 28 July 14 My inspiration came in the form of the Google 80/20 Innovation Model.
From the Principal's Office: #SaveEdShelf By Eric Sheninger published 21 July 14 I was recently notified by William Jenkins that EdShelf announced it will be ceasing trading at the end of this month.
From the Principal's Office: Raising the Bar on Learning By Eric Sheninger published 10 July 14 In my opinion inquiry-based learning is one of the best pedagogical techniques available to teachers.
From the Principal's Office: Excuses Hold Us Back By Eric Sheninger published 2 July 14 If education is good for one thing, it is for making excuses not to move forward.
Twitter as a Tool For Academic Discourse By Eric Sheninger published 17 June 14 New Milford High School teachers Jessica Groff and Joanna Westbrook created a Common Core aligned English Language Arts (ELA) task that incorporated Twitter into their unit on Julius Caesar
From the Principal's Office: Change is a Mindset By Eric Sheninger published 12 June 14 The essential elements that work as catalysts for the change process include the following:
From the Principal's Office: 3D Virtual Learning a New Reality By Eric Sheninger published 23 May 14 Using the Protosphere platform we are exploring the unique pedagogy in a virtual environment and technology as the learning environment
From the Principal's Office: Students Explore Space in the Palm of Their Hands By Eric Sheninger published 6 May 14
From the Principal's Office: Simple Yet Effective By Eric Sheninger published 25 April 14 Many districts, schools, and administrators are convinced that social media has absolutely no place in education, even though the whole entire world using it for some reason or another.
From the Principal's Office: Using EdTech to Enhance Science Learning By Eric Sheninger published 22 April 14 Miss Ginter’s biology students at New Milford High School have been using Padlet as a forum to post answers to teacher-created questions, as well as student-created questions.
From the Principal's Office: Inquiry-Based, Constructivist Learning in Physics By Eric Sheninger published 14 April 14 She asked the students to come up with different collisions and predict how the forces will compare to each other based on the collisions.
From the Principal's Office: Makerspaces Provide a World of Opportunities By Eric Sheninger published 7 April 14 Mrs. Vicari then challenged the students to use all the elements of Visual merchandising and display to create a model of what our school store should look like.
Students Yearn For Creativity, Not Tests By Eric Sheninger published 2 April 14 I can honestly say that this was one of the best, most inspiring, thought-provoking student presentations I have ever seen.
From the Principal's Office: QR Codes in the Math Classroom By Eric Sheninger published 17 March 14 The level of engagement increased dramatically with the use of QR codes and simply allowing students to utilize their cell phones in the learning process!
From the Principal's Office: Global Connections Made Possible Through Technology By Eric Sheninger published 12 March 14 After they selected their charities and then began their research, students were having amazing “real world” experiences.
From the Principal's Office:The Next Generation in Student Flashcards By Eric Sheninger published 3 March 14 One of the reasons why Cardkiwi is so effective is because it utilizes a memory building technique known as spaced repetition.